Posted on Nov 21, 2024
Gaetz withdraws as attorney general nominee
Posted 4 mo ago
Responses: 4
Served 2 purposes. Got him out of Congress, and sent him home so we don't have to look at or hear that bitter voice again. I'm conservative, but I thought he was a total clown, and I'm glad to see him go.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
I am as well. I always felt he was a Congressional troll and I was surprised he wasn't primaried out.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
It will be interesting to see if he tries to return to Congress. After all, he was elected again. Personally, I hope not as I would like the drama to end (at least as much as it can on the GOP side).
I think it was simple reality. Trump understands the sunk dollar fallacy . The votes for Gaetz weren’t there. Time to move on, I don’t believe Trump is as Machiavellian as some believe. Gaetz is, right or wrong a fighter and loyal to Trump. Democrats and anti Trump’s may regret this.
MAJ Byron Oyler
Looking at Trump's cabinet nominees, I worry we all may regret a few things in the future. Tulsi Gabbard is probably the only one I like and I feel several of his nominees are out of loyalty and not skill. I do not blame him for being a bit vengeful, as many have abandoned him. I was glad to see his son-in-law will have a part working with Israel.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Yeah Tulsi is a weird choice to me. Her military experience has very little to do with the IC community, and neither did here Congressional assignments. So I'm willing to see what she has to say at the hearings and see if she can competently navigate the hopefully hard questions I want thrown at her.
I don't think your second part is the case (first is, for sure). Gaetz is a strong supporter of Trump, so having an advocate in the House, who'd make any Speaker toe the MAGA line, seems like something Trump would relish. Of course, having Gaetz run the DOJ would certainly be even better for Trump. I just can't believe that Trump would nominate Gaetz as some kind of a DOJ sacrificial lamb, with an underlying goal being to get him out of Congress so that more McCarthy-like people would drive the agenda. Gaetz is a pro-MAGA guy who wanted a pro-MAGA Speaker to implement a pro-MAGA agenda. I also find it hard to believe that the sordid rumors about Gaetz caused Trump any concern. Similar rumors surround his SECDEF and SECED nominees (and Trump himself).
LTC Kevin B.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - It's pretty sad if you want to hang your hat on arguments like "He hasn't been sentenced yet" or "It may get thrown out" or "It was partisan judges". He slept with that porn star, and he paid her off, and he falsified business records to cover it up. If that's the type of person you want to admire, I'll let the other readers judge that for themselves.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Hanging? You're the one who wants to hold the line on whether one has been indicted or not while ignoring the fact the process hasn't played out fully. Seems like you're trying to hang on to the "convicted" status when there is obviously so much more context to contend with.
LTC Kevin B.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - I'm fine with holding the line on "a conviction" while you hold the line on "hoping that something happens to let him get away with the crimes he committed".
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
As am I, in that we are using made up interpretations of the law and applying them specifically in a political manner to essentially prevent a candidate from running for office.
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