Posted on Nov 5, 2024
Olympic Gold Medalist Boxer Imane Khelif Has XY Chromosomes And Testicles, Says Algerian...
Edited 4 mo ago
Posted 4 mo ago
Responses: 9
If it wants to compete as a woman its testicles should be removed with an anvil by a sledge hammer. Then I would agree it is committed to being a woman.
MSgt Dale Johnson
I really shouldn't, I am supposed to be a Christian but sometimes my anger at Idiots gets the best of me.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
MSgt Dale Johnson -
I Have Yet To Meet One Which Was OTHER Than A
"Supposed To Be" Christian ; ~ I Met The Talkers But
Yet To Know The Doers. ~ More Like "Bull Sh*t Artists"
"Do As I SAY ~ NOT As I DO"" ~ What A LOAD Of "Crappers"
I Have Yet To Meet One Which Was OTHER Than A
"Supposed To Be" Christian ; ~ I Met The Talkers But
Yet To Know The Doers. ~ More Like "Bull Sh*t Artists"
"Do As I SAY ~ NOT As I DO"" ~ What A LOAD Of "Crappers"
MSgt Dale Johnson
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney You obviously do not understand Christianity. We are all sinners and fall short of living a sinless life. Anger along with many other vices cause Christians to rely on the Grace of GOD in his pledge to forgive us if we seek forgiveness. So all honest Christians will have a similar story, if you meet one that says they have not sinned you're talking to a liar.
FA Neel Fredenburgh
to win , they must STICK IT IN THEIR ASS so it wont show! after testicals are removed
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Perhaps That's The Male We Currently Have Running For Office
As A "Wanna Be" President ~~ Lousy At It Previously ~
What's He Want This Time, "Another Chance" To Screw Us Better"?
As A "Wanna Be" President ~~ Lousy At It Previously ~
What's He Want This Time, "Another Chance" To Screw Us Better"?
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