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Responses: 5
MSG Stan Hutchison
I would like to see the actual "letter" referred to here.
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
1 d
Thank you Maj John Bell. And Stan: who is in charge now? Who ensures that the Congress can only pass CRs?
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
1 d
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price - As you probably know, the House had an immigration bill the administration supported but it died when Trump told the GOP not to pass it.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
14 h
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
14 h
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SrA John Monette
Please enlighten everyone and show your unbiased source
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
1 d
Maj John Bell - I like how you use the analogy of water getting into a boat for people coming into a country. Of course you are more likely to get wet or drowned by the water already in the boat ... the boat that is full of and shipping water, I guess?? I am curious if you are familiar with something called a population pyramid?
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
1 d
MSgt Steve Sweeney - IF you are speaking of a visual representation of the distribution of population based on age, yes, I am. What does that have to with the deportation of non-citizen convicted felons and their timely deportation [or lack thereof.]

I am not against legal immigration. Faced with declining birth rates among our own population, it is in our best interests to have a strong immigration program for the economic health of the nation. That is not code word for cheap unskilled labor. we need immigrants from a broad range of skilled and unskilled labor, as well as from a broad range of relative economic status.

My mother was a legal immigrant (from Mexico and not by marriage to a citizen). I don't think that illegal immigrants or people who gain "legal entry" through fraud earn a place in the US by "fait accompli." I believe that as a sovereign nation, we, not potential immigrants, have the say in who enters, when they enter, for what reasons they may enter, how long they may stay, what we expect6 from them, what they may expect from us, and we reserve to kick them out if they fail to live up to our expectations.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
22 h
Maj John Bell - Convicted felons? Perhaps not much. But many that you speak of have not been convicted. The guy you want in office is a convicted felon, so....

Let me ask you, do you believe a free person should have the choice of what country they live in and what flag they serve? Why do you think we have all these hard barriers to immigration? That was not the case when our country was founded, and for a long time thereafter. Do you know why and by whom these hardline policies were first put in place?

I just find it interesting that you want to label a certain cohort of people as "illegal" when a vast majority of those people simply want a better life for themselves and their children and are doing whatever they can to obtain it, as any good parent would, even if it includes circumventing short-sighted laws and racists policies.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
19 h
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Is there another source, other than the Constitution that establishes the requirements to hold the office of president of the United States?

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

There is nothing in that clause about felons. Get over it.

No, I don't believe a free person has a right to live in the country of their choice. No, I don't believe a free person has a right to serve whatever nation they choose. Personal desire does not override law.

Get over the racist nonsense. It has been used some often and so lightly that it has lost meaning. Show me the text of any EXISTING law that excludes people from entry into the US by race. Show me the application of any EXISTING law is patently racist.
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