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Responses: 4
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
President Trump was invited to a private ceremony and has shown a deep care for our service members from running after a hat the wind blown off to decisions made on the battlefield that don’t hand tie our military so they can fight on a level field. Biden and Harris has actively shown a lack of caring for our Service Members from holding an umbrella over them to poor decisions that gives advantage to our enemies on the battlefield. The Democrats can’t stand when they are shown up by anyone so they go to their standard game plan of destroying their political opponents by any means necessary… it’s that simple. Everything is political to them plain and simple.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
16 d
And the Demo-Socialists don't care about the truth. Their entire campaign is a fire hose of lies spewing crap. Kamala Devi Harris is a far-left Socialist trying to use the "hide in the basement" method to avoid revealing her true self.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
14 d
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - On target with everything you said.
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LTC Marc King
TDS and an opportunity to take another shot ….
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
17 d
LTC Joe Anderson - I have noted the same actions that you mentioned - Sad!
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
16 d
LTC Joe Anderson - In my conversation with Broom on the Death Tax he exposes his idea of democracy. It's interesting . . . This post will probably be deleted as Broom constantly changes my Tags that is not in concert with RP rules.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
14 d
LTC Joe Anderson - I have noticed the censorship. It wasn't always that way. I believe we have gone the way of FB and some others. MHO
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
9 d
SFC (Join to see) - I recall it was reported quite a while back that RP was under the umbrella of FB before the Metaverse enterprise was announced. What that means, exactly, I don't know, but it seems likely somewhat adjusted FB AI Algorithms could be in use . . .
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PO2 Builder
She only gets in trouble when she opens her mouth.
SSgt Robert Simonds
SSgt Robert Simonds
16 d
that is why every time she opens her mouth she is lying just like sleepy joe and Obama.
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