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Responses: 7
MSG Stan Hutchison
"Marguerite Forrest, the operator of a shelter for homeless pregnant women i:

Looks like at least one is against the amendment because it would cost her money.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Posted 1 d ago
MbSG Hutchison's comment could as easily be aimed at the pro abortion side.
Many of us are not in either camp. I am for legal, infrequent, and early on.

--- What does "infrequent" mean? No one is out there having "frequent" abortions. Even IF they did, who gives a f*? It's not your body so why do you care? Abortions aren't cheap or free so no one is just willy nilly having them done.

Also "early on?" Later in pregnancy abortions are RARE and ONLY done when the life of the one carrying the pregnancy is in danger or fetus isn't viable. That's it. No legal abortions are done outside of that.

And who cares if someone is "pro abortion?"
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
23 d
SGT Charlie Lee - No she hasn't. She's still a pick me with internalized misogyny and a MAGAt.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
"In a joint statement released to the media, the plaintiffs said Amendment 3 is a “direct threat to the lives of Missouri women by erasing the will of voters who chose to protect the safety of women and the child by electing strong pro-life leaders.”"

Isn't it the will of the voters who signed the petition to get it on the ballot? Also not one person who says they are "pro life" is actually pro life. You're pro forced birth.
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