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Responses: 9
Cpl Vic Burk
Lt Col Charlie Brown Obviously the democrats don't know how to think for themselves.
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MSG Billy Brumfield
Edited 2 mo ago
Tips started to be taxed in 1982. I believe it was Vetoed and then the Veto was over ridden.

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LTC Kevin B.
Shouldn't this be viewed as a policy win? Trump managed to convince his opponents to embrace his position. They're all looking at the poll numbers and making the same political calculations.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
2 mo
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
2 mo
LTC David Brown - It wouldn't be the first time a politician flip-flopped. Vance flip-flopped on supporting Trump. Trump flip-flopped on supporting cryptocurrency, TikTok, and even Kamala and Hillary (he donated to both). I don't think her change on this issue will alter anyone's opinion of her.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
2 mo
LTC Kevin B. - problem is she has flip flop on just about everything but hasn’t put any policies into writing. Her casting the deciding vote put hard and fast force behind the IRS going after tips until the law can be corrected. Didn’t she think through what she was signing?
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
2 mo
LTC David Brown - I try not to get inside her head (or any politician for that matter).

Her policy positions will eventually be posted. I understand the opposition wanting to see them (so they can exploit them), and I understand her not wanting to put them out there just yet (so they can't). In due time you'll see them.

I suspect timing has something to do with it. Her policy positions would have been well developed and published if she had gone through the primary process. Given the late stage she entered the race, she was faced with three options....1) continue all of Biden's policies (bad choice), 2) slap something together (bad choice), or 3) deliberately evaluate where she departs from Biden, and then finalize her positions (best choice, IMHO). It's certainly not optimal timing, but very little is optimal in this particular election.
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