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Responses: 7
MSgt Dale Johnson
I had a History Professor in college that was one of the most detailed people I have ever had the privilege to converse with. A typical class began with a Map Test, he stated to know history you have to know geography. Then for two hours straight he would lecture about the period he was covering for the course, without looking at a book, and it was detailed. When he touched on a person from History he detailed their Ht, Wt, color of his eyes, number of wives and children, residence, etc. It was not unusual for me to take 13 pages or more of notes in a night and I had over 100 pages at the end of his course that spanned the first colony to the end of the Revolutionary Was.

I didn't need the credit but I took a second class from him that started with the end of the Revolutionary War until the end of the civil war. He made History really interesting.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
7 mo
I find it odd, that the formation of the United states has gone thru a tumultuous time, in poverty /wealth, depression, & the good times. times of wars that were not necessary, & those that were. As a matter of fact The Framers of our nation demanded our currency to Precious metal(Gold or silver) then thru Woodrow Wilson, we succumbed, to the federal reserve, which is the largest con job ever on a religious people. Now we learn of another one of those coming to a community near You. When grown MEN start off a conversation with placing TAMPONS in 4th grade school boys bathrooms, then We as a nation have on our hands a monumental problem, of the most offensive nature. How can We as a people Who have placed MEN on the Moon, recovered those brave souls successfully, & now we come to this. DID WE as a NATION not learn a damned thing in all of those trials? This I know for sure, OUR GOD in heaven has created this EARTH by his own hand, & HE is not going to allow it to taken over by the DEVIL! Let us as a people respect OUR founding, & Praise The God in heaven who gave us our FREEDOM in the first place, because that is what this is all about, the UNITED STATES, & HER people are a special group, of very talented, & well trained individuals, by GOD himself. It is not unusual for the US to receive numerous GOLD metals in the world OLYMPICS, as customary, We expect to WIN! But I shudder at the FOUL politics that have plagued us for a long time, we must get back to what our national pride in our creator is, & follow him as We should, Thank You, & God bless America!
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
7 mo
Amn Roger Omberg - Very well said Brother Roger.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
7 mo
Amn Roger Omberg -
Great Information Which We Should All Know;
And As Is Said: "Sometimes The FIRST Thing Which Must Be Done Is
To Get Their Attention; Even If You Have To Do It With A 2 X 4."
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
7 mo
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CSM Chuck Stafford
Knew most, but the actual signing date of the Declaration was new - thanks for posting
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Great share. Having been raised in New England I knew all of them but a little refresher is always nice.
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