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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
The Washington Examiner reported Saturday that a Biden regime Foggy Bottom wonk “confirmed on July 11 that three U.S. citizens, George Glezmann, Mahmood Habibi, and Ryan Corbett, are currently being held in Taliban custody. Taliban representatives repeatedly claimed they only held two Americans in detention.” Why are they holding any at all, and why are the comrades in the State Department and the Oval Office sending them money instead of applying pressure upon the Taliban?
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 mo
A couple of $64,000 questions . . .
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Capt Jeff S.
This is what happens when you have a Democrat usurping the Oval Office. I know what Reagan would tell Iran, and what Trump would do.

It might go something like this...
They'd have a meeting with the Taliban and they would give them a picture of the leader's house -- a nice aerial shot of that house, and the houses of their relatives. It would be clear at the outset that the Taliban would know, in no uncertain terms, that it would be a very foolish thing to test us. Likewise they would understand that it would be a very wise thing to cough up the hostages before something bad happens, because our patience is limited and should something bad happen to the hostages, or should they attempt to delay their return, THEY have the most to lose.

What the Progressive West doesn't seem to get is that Islam despises weakness and its leaders take advantage of it at every opportunity. They see hostage taking as a way of demonstrating their power so you have to get in their heads and convince them that this is not in their interest. You don't go on apology tours and make stupid deals that give them everything they want without conceding to your demands. It's a sign of weakness that only invites more contempt and attacks. You gave them a handle to shake you with. What did you expect?

Regardless of who you are dealing with, you are safer strong than weak. Never apologize for your strength. Use it judiciously, and you will gain respect and influence worldwide. Overuse it, and you will be perceived as a bully; other countries will ally to reduce your power and influence.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 mo
Spoken like a true State Department policy wonk. Too bad the Biden administration doesn't have any decent ones on the payroll . . .
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