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Responses: 9
CPT Lawrence Cable
I don't jump to conspiracy theories until I look at sheer incompetence and utter stupidity. The visible reaction of a sizeable part of the security details just struck me as incompetence and the boss try to cover her ass with asinine statements provided the utter stupidity. This is what you get when you hire someone for any other reason than they are the best you can find.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
I have been saying for a long time these people on the far out radical left , do not, & cannot comprise any sort of intelligence, regarding the intensive job performance of PREIDENTIAL SECURITTY. What I have said in the past, & will repeat "These radical left crazies cannot run a lemonade stand PERIOD. I think seriously about our children playing a game in the back yard, & this is the mentality of the radicals IN THE demonic PARTY! i AM NOT REFERING TO MY CHILDREN AS ANYTHING ELSE THAN INNOCENT CHILDREN PLAYING A GAME, & HAVING FUN! We do realize these crazy folks are NOT children!
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
Wait 'Til John Wilkes Booth Hears About This.
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
2 mo
SFC (Join to see) - It must have been a very boring military career where you never had more missions than the number of "best" people available.

I am certainly not defending that charlie foxtrot, but no, the Secret Service does not and cannot, assign their "best" people to each and every protection detail. They are however supposed to assign competent people to every protection detail and especially we would expect the leader of each detail to be highly qualified.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
MSG Thomas Currie - I never said "where you never had more missions than the number of "best" people available.". I said I wouldn't send soldiers on a mission without the proper training and supervision. That's a big difference. While it would be nice to have the "best" people available, the day is carried by properly trained people. Are you going to send out Intelligence soldiers to blow up a bridge? They would probably just unintentionally kill themselves. This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Wow! As I said before everyone in the chain of command from the detail supervisor to the Secretary needs to resign or be fired. I don't know what to do with the agents who worked the detail and were not qualified. They knew they were not qualified and had a duty to say so. This is not an OJT Event.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
2 mo
MSG Thomas Currie - I never assigned a Marine leadership of a detail if he did not have my full faith and confidence that he had the wit and wisdom to formulate a good plan, to lead his Marines [even his raw inexperienced Marines] in the execution of that plan and the attention to detail required to ensure that he was watching. What gets inspected well gets done well.

Somebody drew up the security plan for that event.
_Did that somebody understand the detail had insufficient manpower for the venue?
_Did that somebody notify their chain of command that they had insufficient manpower, request more manpower or request surveillance assets to mitigate security gaps?
_Did that somebody share concerns with state, county and local law enforcement to close or mitigate security gaps?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
Maj John Bell All very good questions.
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
2 mo
Maj John Bell - That's the point. The public is talking about the clumsiness and confusion among the DHS agents that were used to fill out the detail (admittedly they are easy to criticize in the videos) but there isn't enough emphasis being put on the either incompetence or deliberate indifference at the upper layers. Sure people are calling for Cheatle to resign or be fired, but the one that I want to see in front of a Congressional panel is the agent in charge of that protection detail and the agent who did the advance visit, planning, and coordination. Those should have been experienced professional career Secret Service agents, there is absolutely no excuse for incompetence at that layer unless the "incompetence" was deliberate.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 mo
MSG Thomas Currie - We have to go through Director Kimberly Cheatle for find out who the supervisory agents were who were in charge of advanced planning and in charge of the detail on the day of the assassination attempt. Actually, it was very similar to Reagan’s assassination attempt; The failure in Reagan’s assassination attempt: “The Secret Service had extensively screened those attending the president's speech, but greatly erred by allowing an unscreened group to stand within 15 ft (4.5 m) of him, behind a rope line.”

It would have been good if Cheatle fired the people in charge as soon as possible herself and then resigned. The only reason I could see for the hesitation is if politics swayed the judgement of the professionals in charge. If it did then we would have a whole new can or worms. To me that would make no difference in the outcome, if professionals let “their” orders be swayed by politics they need to be fired immediately. If they were just that incompetent, they still need to be fired immediately. MHO
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
I've worked dozens of details to protect VIPs while working Law Enforcement for the USAF including both Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States as well as other countries. NEVER even once did We leave a rooftop area or even a location with a direct line of sight uncovered. The tallest structure We always had our sniper teams there to both see and take out any threat. We even posted people on high ground or buildings on the opposite side of runways where a potential shot could be taken. Certainly a rooftop well within the effective range of a rifle should NOT ever have been left uncovered and without a direct view of the entire rooftop from the security.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
a job Description CARRIED OUT SUCCESFULLY, GOOD job!
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
2 mo
PLAN your work, & work the plan, every time!
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