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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
This could all transpire in a few ways – many of which are age-old political-media tactics out of the well-tested playbook. First, Biden will be given a lot of lay-up shots that allow him to respond with easy, approved, and canned answers. This will even be on questions that might sound somewhat critical of his record – from inflation, to the economy, to citizen sentiment, to immigration, to Ukraine, to Afghanistan. But they will be asked and presented in a way that will allow Biden to provide the most upbeat, positive, and forward-thinking soundbites and responses.
I can see it now. Persistent inflation? “It’s coming down and prices are receding.” Stubborn high gas prices? “We provided relief at the pump from evil rapacious price-gouging oil companies by opening up the SPR.” What about the situation in Gaza? “What happened to the Israelis in October was wrong…but Palestinian children should not be killed and wounded.” How about the situation at our border? “Congressional MAGA Republicans played obstinate politics and prevented us from securing the border.” For those who expect direct follow up, requests for clarification, or pushback on any hinky details, falsehoods or misrepresentations in any of the answers Joe Biden provides, don’t hold your breath.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 mo
The thing about Biden is that he's so full of %$#& that if Trump kicks it out of him, all that will be left is a suit on top of a pair of shoes and his Depends . . .
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LTC Kevin B.
It's always informative to see the political media downplaying expectations and preemptively making excuses for their own preferred candidate's debate performance.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 mo
BHO-HO-HO. Try watching MSNBC or CNN if you want an unbiased assessment, right? Sheesh . . .
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