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Responses: 3
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
As they should be.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
It's united the GOP as well
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
4 mo
I'll believe it when I see it. Actions, not words, are what I want to see. And we've had NV and LA enact legislation that will limit the Democrats' ability to engage in election fraud, which is what this country sorely needs to prevent elections from being STOLEN as the elections in 2020 were.

The writing is already on the wall and the Democrats are starting to show signs of acknowledging Biden's dementia (which he had even back when they ran him in 2020). Biden was never fit for office and he's nothing more than a proxy for Obama's 3rd term in office. The weaponization of our Federal Agencies against American citizens needs to be stopped and those who were in on it held accountable. What I find most disturbing is the apparent apathy of the public, which seems content to believe the swill they are being fed by the lamestream media which keeps pumping sunshine about Biden and reveling in Trump's misfortune.

I'm not saying Trump's a saint but he sacrificed his fortune, worked tirelessly for us without taking a paycheck, and had an election almost stolen from him in 2016 by Hillary, who then paid to manufacture evidence against him and gave it to the FBI. The Democrats with the help of the Federal Agencies they corrupted with their political appointments, illegally spied on American citizens and were abusing their powers and stealing from taxpayers, laundering foreign aid money they freely gave away, and money from the miltiary industrial complex which they supported back to themselves. Although they underestimated voter turnout for Trump in 2016, they had the fix in with COVID and mail-in ballots in 2020.

Figure the odds that Biden, who:
* plagiarized his way through college, finishing in the bottom of his class and lied about it;
* made up all kinds of stories about his accomplishments and family that simply weren't true...;
* spied on political opponents as VP and lied about it;
* sniffs hair and acts creepy with children -- including his own daughter who wrote in her diary that she waited till late to shower because she was afraid of her dad stepping in and showering with her.
* was caught on tape bragging about how he [used the power of his office to] shut down an investigation into his son's role in Ukrainian corruption;
* spent most of his campaign following the science (aka hiding from the press in his basement) while his superspreader opponent was filling stadiums and outdoor venues to capacity;
* twice previously failed in his bid to become President, who likewise chose as his VP a woman of questionable moral character who also failed in her bid to become President;
* came from behind after vote counts inexplicably stopped in the critical swing states to win in the middle of the night with 81 million legitimate? votes < the most votes ever in the history of US Presidential elections when he hardly campaigned and could barely energize a handful of friendly reporters to fill a few crop circles at his lame rallies.

People have to wake up and be honest about the ongoing war that is being waged from within that is seeking to wrest control of our government from the people, and strip America of its sovereignty, turning it over to the international control of those who hold sway at the UN. Instead of being in denial and poo-poo'ing about the bad orange man who wants to be dictator (which is so far from the truth it's pathetic), Liberals should be waking up to the truth that a government powerful enough to bend the rules and weaponize the government against Trump and his supporters can do the same to them... it's just a matter of time.
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LTC Eugene Chu
Yet there is more family support among Bidens than Trumps, especially for trials...

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