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Responses: 1
SFC Casey O'Mally
"There is no moral comparison between Gitmo and how our enemies treat their captives."

Nor should there be. America does not seek to be merely better than her enemies. We seek to be better today than we were yesterday.

Gitmo is a shit hole where alleged criminals were held without bail, without charge, and most of the time without representation. Torture was not only allowed, it was approved. Prisoners have been held for felony length sentences in substandard conditions without a trial, a conviction, a charge, or even a chance to attempt to defend themselves or clear their name.

That is not what America is supposed to stand for. Just because we treated ALLEGED terrorists better than the terrorists treated us does NOT mean we did right by them.

Yes, yes, I know..... The folks at Gitmo are accused of being the worst of the worst. Why am I siding with terrorists? These are BAD DUDES.

I get it. But they are only accused. Never proven in court. Some of the folks are there because 10 bad guys said they were a worse guy. But we don't have actual evidence. Just Intel reports. And Intel.... Well, we get it wrong sometimes.

11 guys got delayed because of politics. They should have never been there to begin with.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
4 mo
Gitmo is not now, nor ever was a "shit hole." Abu Ghraib was a shit hole.
All detainees at Gitmo were at least unlawful combatants, lucky to be alive, who could have lawfully been shot dead on the battlefield, in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and the Law of War.
The only institutionalized abuse at Gitmo was from detainees towards US personnel in the form of splashing bodily fluids and sucker punching.
Gitmo detainees were not entitled to anything, yet due to the benevolence of the US were treated within the spirit of Geneva.
Gitmo detainees, just like lawful combatant POWs, may be held without charges or trial "until the end of hostilities," as per Geneva and Law of War. The Global War on terror is ongoing. Yet, still 740+ out of just under 800 have been RELEASED, with at least a 30% recidivism rate, as tabulated under the Obama administration. 1% recidivism justifies never letting any of them out who still pose a threat tot the US or have valuable information that could save many lives.
Your comments show willingness to give aid and comfort to the enemy. Treason.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
4 mo
MAJ Montgomery Granger we transitioned from OIF to OIR in 2011. That was the end of hostilities there.

We moved to a support role in Afghanistan and ceased hostilities there in what, 2015?

Just because some guy in a totally different part of the world is still plotting stuff does not mean hostilities are ongoing.

All Gitmo detainees were ALLEGED to be unlawful enemy combatants. Nowhere near all of them were picked up on the actual battlefield. Again.... Intel is not evidence.

My comments show a desire to live up to our Constitutional ideal.
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