Posted on May 17, 2024
Edited 10 mo ago
Posted 10 mo ago
Responses: 5
A clear response to the charge of antisemitism as conducted by genuine antisemites
From My Personal Experience, Although On A Lower Level, Our Schools Only Tend To Do Something IF Complaints Are Filed Or They're Sued. THEN They'll Deny Any And All Responsibility For The Events, And Accuse You Of Registering A False Complaint......Sound Familiar?
SSgt Kelly D.
Yes, and this has been going on for years! My son, who joined the Navy, is quite laid back and easy to get along with until you push him too far. He was a straight A honor student who didn't cause problems. In fifth grade, I believe, he had a bully and my son did not want me to deal with it. He went to teachers and many different staff over months and they basically ignored his complaints. Finally, the bully went too far and my son took him out and then kicked him a few times, for good measure, while he was down, LOL. My son was suspended and very little done to the bully. My son and I enjoyed his suspension together, though :-).
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
SSgt Kelly D. -
At One Time I Was Employed By Our School District.
"Experience" SHOULD Be 9 Points Of The Law..
But It's STUPIDITY Which Reigns As It's Supreme Power..
And Many Times VIOLENCE IS Necessary ~ Once You Kick Some Azz,
It's AMAZING At How Fast They Agree With You.
At One Time I Was Employed By Our School District.
"Experience" SHOULD Be 9 Points Of The Law..
But It's STUPIDITY Which Reigns As It's Supreme Power..
And Many Times VIOLENCE IS Necessary ~ Once You Kick Some Azz,
It's AMAZING At How Fast They Agree With You.
SSgt Kelly D.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney Yes they do! My son was not bullied again throughout school too.
Is anyone surprised based on their responses to all the other recent issues?
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