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Responses: 3
CPL LaForest Gray
V1 : https://youtu.be/MP-6Xv84Crg?si=u2QRZeyBi8Enp8jB


1.) Why Do So Many Recent Veterans Dislike Police Officers?

Tom note: Here is the fourth entry in our 10 Long March posts for 2018, the 7th most-read item of...

“The worst thing we can do is give police military equipment without the training that needs to go with it,” Aaron Barruga, a former Special Forces soldier, wrote in my old Best Defense column. “Without such training, departments that are given military equipment simply will informally make up their own tactics. This uncertainty can lead quickly to tactics that are actually dangerous to officers and citizens alike.”

SOURCE : https://taskandpurpose.com/culture/veterans-dislike-police-officers/

2.) I’m an Iraq Veteran. The Cops Are Treating Citizens Like They’re Under Occupation.

“Seeing police across America escalate violence against protesters made me think of my service in Iraq. In retrospect, I both did and didn’t expect that we’d be treating Americans, and especially black Americans, like they were under occupation. The difference is that in the military, we had rules of engagement and training, even if they didn’t always succeed, to stop us from making an awful situation worse. The cops don’t seem to have that. “

“When I saw the video of Minnesota police and National Guard shooting paint canisters into quiet houses on a residential street, it showed me a throughline in all these police reactions. No matter the department or the locality, there’s a total lack of discipline. I can empathize: Walking the beat can be very scary. So does feeling as though an attack is imminent. The timbre of the cop’s voice, growling “Get inside now!” shows a ton of terror that governs how you act and respond. It won’t be proportionate.”

SOURCE : https://www.thedailybeast.com/im-an-iraq-veteran-the-cops-are-treating-citizens-like-theyre-under-occupation

3.) Stop Training Police Like They’re Joining the Military

If policing is to change, the spotlight must turn toward police academies, where new recruits are first inculcated into the folkways of their profession.

SOURCE : https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/police-academies-paramilitary/612859/

The Murder & Coverup.

SOURCE : https://youtu.be/XFKUYdm2HBg
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Better late than never. Charge them for tresspassing and sue them for damages to school property.
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SGT Mary G.
"Mimicing", the article says!? People who have a clue about context and what has been ongoing for decades have been advocating for a Free Palestine for many decades, and now also against the genocidal scorched earth war on Palestinians in Gaza. People have a right to peaceably assemble. When it is an angry hate fest it is no different than the what they are speaking up against.

After problems long age, in Albuquerque, people who have organized protests for decades (often the Peace and Justice Center that was created by the Friends Society i.e. Quakers) started organizing silent demonstrations, and candle light vigils. That was the type of demonstrations in the 60s too, at least at the university I attended, candle light vigils, and silent sign holding, and quiet conversations with passers-by.

In ABQ People silently gathered, last I knew, holding signs that were always about ending the occupation and a free Palestine, weekly actually for over a decade, which could never be misconstrued as anti-semitic, but clearly indirectly criticized inhumane policies of the Israeli government. And at least half of the folks demonstrating were always Jewish as some of the most active supporters. locally, of Palestinians Rights. However, more recently one of the current demonstrations was a family picnic in the park atmosphere, with musicians and people having quiet conversations with passers-by attracted by the gathering.
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