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Responses: 2
MAJ Byron Oyler
Happens with a lot of vaccines, the left does not want you to believe that and the right wants you to believe it only happens with COVID. A law firm has a website for this and one focuses on tetanus. https://www.mctlaw.com/vaccine-injury/vaccinations/tetanus-vaccine/
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MSG Stan Hutchison
According to The Epoch Times,?

If this information is true, it will be reported on MSM.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
6 mo
It probably is very true and you could look up any number of vaccines and medications with issues of their own. Here is a law firm website on tetanus. The left denies this happened with COVID and the right makes it look like it only happens with COVID. https://www.mctlaw.com/vaccine-injury/vaccinations/tetanus-vaccine/
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 mo
MAJ Byron Oyler - You don't trust the government for the truth but yet you quote an ambulance chaser lawyer?
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - Do you think a law firm would spend the money marketing on something they cannot win in court? It is not about who I trust, it is about the research I have done over 20 years in healthcare and while a law firm is not an acceptable resource for my career, it is a valid argument they would not spend marketing on something that would not make them money. Peer reviewed literature within five years is the standard and just because the government says so does not mean it meets that requirement.
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