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Responses: 7
CPT Jack Durish
I'm confused. How does separation of powers relate to the chaos created by refusal by law enforcement officials to enforce the law? They are two separate and distinct issues and conflating them only helps the enemies of the Constitution.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
12 mo
Well So Far, I See No Response To Your Questions,
And Quite Frankly; Until I Read It, I'd Not Even Thought About It.
Thanks For Asking Those Questions. Now Let's See What Happens.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
12 mo
I think, Sir, that a lot of that Chaos, is paid for by GEORGE SOROS, I read columns,
that His meddling, especially in the D.A.s case are often from this vermin. He knows full well the exact duties of the DA is, & He tries to undermine America's laws by funding some communist leaning person to run for those offices, & in essence, He is Their BOSS!
Once they are elected, then SOROS gets to work, dictating to his D.A., that they will not file charges for drunk driving, petty theft, running a red light, etc.. Furthermore, He is the sworn enemy of America.
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Seems some prosecutors have failed to perform their duties and criminals remained in society to continue to prey on the public. There was no penalty for their crimes and they were NOT going to stop if unchecked including their removal from that society through imprisonment. The last focus it appears was protecting the rest of us from these maggots.

I have also however seen some overzealous prosecutors go after people that may not have even committed any crime at all based on nothing more than mere suspicion. That is some cases even resulted in hiding information that would have cleared the suspect of any criminal act at all. That problem seems to be getting worse and often the complete lack of ethics on the part of attorneys and prosecutors. Also instead of speedy public trials dragging thing out over multiple appearances and delays which overcrowded the Court calendar and I suspect was more about attorneys making money than defending their clients especially in the case of public defenders.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
12 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
12 mo
~~ B I N G O ~~
"I DO Believe ~ We Have A WINNER"
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
12 mo
Here's A PART Of That Problem. As Told To Me By Attorneys I've Known.
"When You're Arrested, You're Read Your Legal Rights"....SO Pay Attention:
You're Told: "You Have The Right To Remain Silent": ~ So Shut Up ~
"Anything You Say Can And Will Be Held Against You In A Court Of Law":
Note ~ "AGAINST YOU" ~ Not A Word Of Anything FOR You.. And They Mean It!
From The Time Of Your Arrest, They Have ONE Goal; Convicting YOU Of The Crime.
Whether You Actually DID The Crime, Is Unimportant.....
The Prosecuting Attorney ONLY Prosecutes ~~ And The Defense Attorney, ONLY Defends ~ And Neither Cares If You're Guilty Or Not. ... As You Can See, They Both Have Their Specific Jobs, But ONE Purpose; And Each Attorney ONLY Does Their Part ~ And You're Situation Is The Final Result Of Their Skills In The Court Room. Guilty Or Not ~
Makes NO Difference To THEM;
~ But YOU May Be Sentenced To Prison For The Remaining Years Of Your LIFE~
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LTC Marc King
The Constitution was written and ratified by 12 of the states Rhode Island did not ratify at that time … so the main body of the document was set and then-at the first Congress it was amended 10 times with the Bill of Rights …
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
12 mo
The Question Is Distance,: "How Far To The Left"?
When You Go For A Swim In The Pacific, Do You Swim Out Far Enough To Be Able To Return, OR Beyond The Point Of Return & You Die?.....And Trump's LEADERSHIP Abilities Are ZERO... He's Needed To Bully, Pay Off Or Threaten His Competition, As Well As The Public, To Get What He Wants.... Even Just Recently: "If I Don't Become President...."
And Remember This : "I'm The Only One Who Can Solve These Problems" ... Then Add On:~~~Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years
PLUS Many Others As Well.... And He's A Trusted Politician? YA, Like Uranus!
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
12 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney Still America clampers for his leadership. His detractors can’t seem to find the thing that will slow him down. He outsmarts them at every turn and in the end he wins and you lose … again! Nice try … but you lose.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
12 mo
LTC Marc King - I Defiantly agree "This Country Needs Good Leadership",
But seriously: "Where Has Trump Lead Any Group Of People, Successfully"?..
But Trump Is, As You SHOULD Know, A Lying SOB.. And Someone Whom Is Known To Be One, Can NOT Be Trusted... And If That Person Is A Leader, The People In The Group, Will Not Trust Him Enough To Accept Him As Their Superior.~~ If You Feel You CAN Trust Trump, Will You Explain Why?.~~ Would You Hand Over $20,000 Of Your Savings To Invest In Any Of His Ventures? ~~ Do You Trust Him That Much?...
If You Had To Take A Moment To Think About It ~~ Then That's Too Long ~ Because You Know You Can't Trust Him ......And You Want Him To Be YOUR Leader?....
You're A Lt. CORONAL ~~ Very High Ranked On The Military Totem Pole,
You're In Charge...Could Even Be A Base Commander Or In Charge Of The A Battalion
Of Men In Combat ~~.And Trump Avoided The Draft 5 Times.....To My Way Of Thinking. And IF I Were In Your Position, (Which I NEVER Have Been) I MIGHT Hire Trump As My House-Boy; IF I Could Trust Him.
~ Naw ~ No I Wouldn't; He'd Fa-Kit Up Too....
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
12 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney The guy flies around in his own 757 not some piddling Gulfstream. He is worth billions and just increased his wealth by $3.5B in a single day on the stack market. How did you do in the market on any given day? If given the opportunity to hand over $20K on a new venture I would certainly do it. Not cause it’s politically correct because the guys knows how to make money. Now if you were honest with yourself you would have to admit that you were better off financially 4years ago … because the fact of the matter is we all were. Now I understand you don’t like the guy and because this is America you are permitted to do that. People have had a difference of opinion on many subjects since time in memoriam and as such we satisfy those difference by having multiple choices you know like chocolate or vanilla… anything else is called communism one choice, one opinion or one bullet to the brain.
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