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Responses: 2
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
Poor old Lt Col Charlie Brown. LTC don't you understand the reason that you find polluting industries located in the poor areas of a town. I mean it's not like they are located in the area where rich white folk live. ARE YOU so dang DENSE that you not to recognize it. Guess you forgot about how banks and the realtors red lined non whites. heaven forbid there be a non white person living in your neighborhood. Just was not allowed. The bad thing is its still happening.

Now the reason you do not like the tag of racism Lt Col Charlie Brown is your are guilty of it and that tag forces you to confront your own behavior which you fight tooth and nail. The moment you confront it is the moment that you will start to become a better person Lt Col.

The racism tag is justified regardless of how it makes you feel since its the everyday truth for many in this country.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
There are many neighborhoods, mostly poor that have environmental issues. Stop with the racism tag...it always was the immigrants moved in and then moved up and out until recently. Partially due to the economy, people are stuck. We need to clean up areas of concern.
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