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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Yes it is! So many...and Laiken Riley was not the first nor will she be the last. And then there are our troops...just ask the Gold Star Dad.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
6 mo
Roger that!
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MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Edited 6 mo ago
The Democrat-Socialist Party, led by President Biden, does NOT care for American citizens. They want everlasting political power, and they are willing to see us killed and the Constitution shredded in order to obtain that power. The border is a porous nightmare because they want to flood America with millions of illegal aliens. They will try at some point to give those illegal aliens the right to vote. At that point they will try to flood Red states with illegal aliens and foist their anti-Constitutional Socialism on the country forever. The Biden administration prefers legislation to disarm us and keep us powerless to stop this alien invasion, rather than protect our citizens and prioritize our servicemembers and veterans. They are vermin, and their actions are aiding the Chinese Communist Party in their conspiracies against the United States.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
6 mo
Exactly so . . .
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