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Responses: 8
LTC David Brown
This is so F’ing stupid it is unbelievable. I guess Laken Riley's family, or is that Lincoln Riley, are happy she wasn’t killed by a US citizen but some one who shouldn’t have been here. . I guess the bruises suffered by the cop attacked in Time Square don’t hurt as much because they were administered by someone who shouldn’t be here. I could go on for days.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
If this article is speaking about illegal aliens not immigrants, there should be zero crime form them. They should not be here. Don’t you just love articles that paint a parameter of a discuss and are false? Illegal aliens are not immigrants, immigrants are legal and there are millions of high functions ones waiting their turs to enter legally.
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CMSgt Mike Jones
This may be true for immigrants that come here legally, but not for those that come here illegally. See this article.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
4 mo
Couldn't agree more. I have had this back and forth with another member on RallyPoint.

The progressive-left always wants to conflate ILLEGAL immigration with legal immigration. That way if you make any comments about ILLEGAL immigration, then some progressive-left moron will say that you're selling xenophobia, racism and hate. It's so sad that the progressive-left doesn't have the ability to apply critical thinking.

Just look at the NPR article - it starts out with the study of immigrants overall (I haven't looked in-depth at the data so can't give say one way or another if the data is sound) but immediately goes to debunked research that says illegal immigrants are much more law abiding.

One of the biggest factors the advocates for illegal immigration use is exemplified in the infamous PNAS study which looked at Texas incarceration (Texas is one of the few states that fully documents the immigration status and citizenship of those arrested/incarcerated). They assumed that if someone wasn't positively identified as being her illegally then they were assumed to be here legally.

Texas DPS information (https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/crime-records/texas-criminal-illegal-alien-data) shows that's a gross fallacy because of those here illegally who were undetermined initially, in 35%-40% of them had the status eventually determined months or even years after being incarcerated.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
4 mo
SFC John D. - None are so Blind as they that will not See
1SG John Millan
1SG John Millan
4 mo
Guy who posted this gaslighting is an anonymous troll, needs to be booted
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
4 mo
1SG John Millan - Chip? He's a far-left progressive and 90% of the stuff he posts is typical partisan troll trash, but he doesn't show up as anonymous.
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