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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Edited 7 mo ago
LTC Eugene Chu Scammers are going to Scam!
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
He is consistently dishonest and cannot compete otherwise.
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
7 mo
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - And back at you.
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
7 mo
SFC John Davis - I hit a nerve!
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
7 mo
SFC John Davis - Ouch, I continue to touch your nerves! I did not realize how potent facts are. Perhaps you all should block me to reduce your stress.
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
7 mo
There are four phantom voters at my house in Michigan. I only looked up the voting rolls because one ghost got mail from Biden-Harris campaign. One is previous owner. i bought the house ten years ago. Rolls are supposed to be purged four years. Guess what party the town clerk affiliates with? Hee, haw, hee, haw. Rooting out such fraud would require enormous effort, similar to Census enumerators. So, everybody focuses on electronics.
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Maj John Bell
Edited 7 mo ago
SSgt Kensinger has "conducted massive clinical research on Donald since his mid adolescence."

Is SSgt Kensinger a member of the National Association of Social Workers?
Is SSgt Kensinger a LICENSED clinical social worker?
Was SSgt Kensinger's "massive clinical research"
-subject to peer review?
-Published in a professional journal of social workers?
What was his methodo;ogy?

_In what clinic did SSgt Kensinger see President Trump?
_how long has President Trump been a client of SSgt Kensinger?
_How many face-to-face conversations did SSgt Kensinger have with President Trump since President Trump's mid-adolescence?
_How much time has SSgt Kensinger spent personally observing President Trump with his own eyes, vs through the lens of a journalist whose agenda and editing bias is unknown or is hostile to President Trump?

Please don't answer any of those questions. It would be an ethics violation of the NASW Code of Ethics.

You don't have to be a social worker to know that SSgt Kensinger's "massive clinical" research wouldn't pass peer review let alone a social worker's ethical responsibility for:
_ a client's right to privacy
_ a client's right to control the disclosure of confidential information
_ notifying a client that the social worker is disclosing confidential information in a public forum
_to not discuss confidential information, electronically or in person, in any setting unless privacy can be ensured.
_protect the confidentiality of clients when responding to requests from
members of the media.
_ avoid posting any identifying or confidential information about clients on
professional websites or other forms of social media.

So, what is the deal SSgt Kensinger? Are you meeting the professional and ethical standards of your profession? Or are you free of any ethical obligations of your profession.

MSG Joseph Cristofaro SrA Cecelia Eareckson SFC John Davis MSG Billy Brumfield SFC William Farrell SFC Ralph E Kelley SFC (Join to see) Cpl Vic Burk LTC Stephen C. Lt Col Charlie Brown SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D


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