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PO3 Edward Riddle
They won't be satisfied until Mr. Trump is broke or somebody with some sense overturns this vicious sentence Brother Dale. The TDS in this case is so glaring.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
1 y
Roger that! . . .
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It’s sad to admit that we all know your statement is 100% current. It is also true and must people will never understand why liberals still refuse to see any issue with the way they have treated President Trump, before he was elected, during his presidency and now even as a private citizen. The reason they refuse to see their bias and continue with their constant need for additional witch hunts, it is not because Trumps is guilty of anything other than being a Republican. We all know the real reason they won’t quit going after Trump, his administration and sadly his family too with all these harassing witch hunts. These liberals know that Trump is the only threat to their disastrous dinosaur of a candidate that doesn’t even know where he’s at, or what he’s doing three quarters of the time. They know they must destroy Trump and don’t or won’t even consider they’re not just screwing him, they are also attempting to deny all the other Americans that don’t agree with their outrageous liberal, socialist almost communist agenda they have in store for the American people. They also don’t care if their actions are crapping on the rights of all other legal Americans to vote for a candidate of their choosing, not just the only one the liberal government feels the unconstitutional need to push down our throats. I can assure you, if the republicans were doing this to Biden, Obama, Harris or any other candidate they choose to represent their party would not be acceptable. I can also assure you if the republicans were still going after Obama for all the corruption within his administration that they are still hiding from the American people by using the Congress, DOJ, FBI and all the intelligence agencies the liberal would be screaming racism and every other weak excuses they could come up with. I honestly believe no one should have to endure over 8 years of slander and harassment that President Trump, his administration and entire family members have had to endure at the corrupt hands of some of these still pissed off liberals that still refuse to get over the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016, not because of Donald Trump, but because the American people did not trust her to lead this country, because of her weak, woke and radical socialist agenda. It is crystal clear by their childish and revengeful actions that once Hillary lost, they would still continue to refuse the fact that she lost and were determined to do any and everything possible to not surrender the White House to the conservatives, even though they won the election fare and square and didn’t want to continue another four years of the continued failure and neglect of the Obama administration. If this country is to ever move forward the liberal need to finally accept that Donald J Trump won the election and Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election because she was a terrible candidate and no matter how hard that pill is to swallow, it’s just the fact and there is nothing they can do to change that fact, so they need to stop harassing Trump and his family with all their failed and future planned witch hunts they’re going to be perusing. All I know is they had better hope and pray that when Trump wins, he and the conservatives won’t come after them like the liberals have been coming and going after Trump. They had better also pray that if legal actions are going to be perused against them that the judge and jury will be fare and impartial unlike the way they’ve been treating Trump and not let their political views effect their judgement the way the liberals have allowed their political bias effect theirs while they are unfairly going after Trump.
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
1 y
Who are you and why do you hide behind anonymous? I truly want to thank you for all these kind words.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
This case was a fraud
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
1 y
Yup . . .
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