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Responses: 6
LTC David Brown
I posted some of this on another tread but it is my view of the situation. Biden turned his back on Saudi Arabia one of the major players in the Islamic world by calling it a pariah nation, cancelling arms sales to Saudi Arabia and trying rapprochement with Iran. The rapprochement efforts included unfreezing $ billions in cash. This left Trump’s Abraham accords in tatters. Then Biden took the terrorist designation off the Houthis. Now we are being attack by Iranian proxies including the Houthis. Of course none of this is Biden’s fault.
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LTC Marc King
The solution to the problem is a B52 ArcLight on their ports and launch areas … we have the ability we don’t have the leadership. One has dementia and the other has a pee pee that’s out of adjustment. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is AWOL.
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
We aren't going to be able to hurt them without boots on the ground. That would lead to a huge middle eastern war that would require all Arab countries to decide between religion and global partnerships. That is a conundrum than nobody wants to see the outcome of.
My personal view on this, is that we send a squadron of B-52's and carpet bomb the shit out of them and set the example that it can happen to Iran as well.
CPL Douglas Chrysler
CPL Douglas Chrysler
8 mo
Boots on the ground with the right leader means what, maybe 3 weeks? It's pretty obvious the Arab world is acting now because they know they can.
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