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Responses: 3
PO3 Shayne Seibert
Healthcare is not a right. Whether it's women's care or not.

You have a right to be seen by a doctor. The doctor has a responsibility through his oath to treat you, but you don't have a right to be seen.

If it were a right, it would be free. It's a marketplace. It's consumer driven. It's also a states rights issue, which means that the voters get to decide, not the special interest groups screeching about something they obviously know nothing about, only to push their agenda over the will of the people.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
If they had a reasonable middle ground, more people would support them
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I know people have strong opinions on this. I have no desire to wade deeply in this minefield. I think, in my most humble of opinions, that the only voices that should matter are women’s voices. Unless and until we, as a country, are going to hold accountable the men who are part of this issue AND provide meaningful support to care for these children, then it’s a woman’s call. All the disinformation about “post-birth abortions” and such needs to be stopped. I’m ready to support limits on how far into a pregnancy is considered legal in all circumstances. Six is nonsense and possibly 15 is unreasonable as well. Fetal viability seems close to an answer. But rape, incest, life of the mother, babies with such severe defects that they will die within minutes or hours of birth? That’s a woman-doctor decision. I shouldn’t get a vote. I don’t want a vote.

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