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Responses: 2
MSG Thomas Currie
One tank commander in our platoon in Vietnam had a Thompson... I have no idea where he got it beyond the fact that is wasn't issued.
SGT Program Coordinator
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9 mo
In 1973 DMZ Korea, we had a new LT who carried a lever action Winchester, I guess he brought it with him.
The first week he was there, he took the platoon out on patrol, just because he wanted to, and showed off his Winchester to the guys.
He lead us into a mine field, lucky the platoon sergeant got us out, without anyone getting killed.
Back at the CP, looking up on the small hill by our barrack, there was TOP with the new LT, I could hear what TOP was saying to him.
TOP in a loud voice said, "Who gave you permission to take out my platoon on patrol, and almost getting them killed? And, get rid of that cowboy gun, and get an issued M-16!"
Didn't hear if the new LT said anything back to TOP, but by the next week, he disappeared off the DMZ, and I heard that he got transferred down south, where he was safe, and we were safe from him.
Picture is where I saw TOP chewing out the new LT, just above Alpha company barracks, at Camp Greives, DMZ Korea 1973, with the 1/31inf, 2nd Inf Division.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
8 mo
Lot of that going on in those days . . .
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LTC Trent Klug
I wish I had a Thompson with a buttload of 30 round magazines. I can take or leave the M3.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
8 mo
Ditto . . .
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
8 mo
The M3 was ugly, but it worked (as long as you didn't have rusted or badly dented magazines).
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