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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
It is about her race...she would not have gotten the job if she weren't a black woman...her scholarship was "thin" before anyone even realized she stole most of it...and she is still on the faculty...if she was white, they would have fired her.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
9 mo
Lt Col Charlie Brown I'd say you are correct on everything you said here Colonel.
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LTC Marc King
And they are not going too… Far more important to point out the racism aimed at Gay never mind that she stole others academic work and passed it off as her own … it’s all about racism. I’ve had just about enough of this BS. You do the crime you do the time.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
9 mo
Here. Here. LTC Marc King I am with you 100%, but I have had enough of it for some time as it continues to escalate.
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
9 mo
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D What would have happened if you had done this in your Ph.D thesis? Bet we all know your response. Thanks for your enlighten support.
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Edited 7 mo ago
What has happened here is still not acceptable. Her inaction and horrible position on protecting Jewish students should have warranted her removal as president. But the revelations of plagiarism should absolutely warrant her removal as faculty as well. Harvard has acted cowardly, initiating neither option. They need to grab a pair and set an example.

My daughter, a highly intelligent and all-around great student at a very reputable school, known for sending several of their graduates to ivy league schools, will not be applying to Harvard. On the other hand, she's white and a Christian, so they probably don't care. Screw them! In time, Harvard's reputation will decline if they continue down this track.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
9 mo
You are exactly right
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
9 mo
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin: So sad and a story that I am certain is taking place in many households. I too would like to see them go down the tubes but with a $50.9 BILLION Endowment it will not occur overnight. But a gross deminishment in applications would certainly send a message to their fundamentally flawed Board. Albeit, they could probably care less as demonstrated by the case with Gay.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
9 mo
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D The thing is, I don’t want to see them (the school that is) go down in the tubes. I want them to correct their ways and focus on high quality education without the political BS.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
9 mo
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin Great point and let me qualify my "down the tubes" comment. Harvard is /was, in my opinion, the epitome of one of the greatest educational institutions in the world. But, what is an Institution other than the professors, Administration, Board and the intellectual students who carry what they learn into the world in which we live. Over the years the school has been more driven by its' mega donors ($50+ billion Endowment) and what they want in return for their mega contributions. Hence, Liberalism, wokeness, DEI and other idiologies began to prevail. Therefore, in my opinion, these idiologies have to go down the tubes for Harvard to regain the recognition it once had and truly deserved. Gay for example removed pictures of outstandingly successful scholars if they were white. Would not even consider applicants if they didn't meet her criterion and I am certain most of us have heard the rest of her radical actions.
Simply stated, the school needs to review who they were in their heyday and try to emulate their historical stature to restore their prestigious recognition.
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