Posted 12 mo ago
Responses: 5
Once the egg hits her face and the heat from the embarrassment cooks it. maybe then she will slink away like the snake that she is Brother Dale.
PO3 Edward Riddle
They'll probably be looking for a new secretary of state pretty soon Brother Jeff.
She's totally out there... 1. She's misunderstood the 14th amendment; 2. She doesn't have the authority 3. DT was never convicted, let alone charged with insurrection and the list goes on...
COL John McClellan
Except that nothing on your list... is correct. 1. Section 3 of 14A is clear; (2) in Maine, she does have the authority, and (3) no criminal conviction is required to determine ballot eligibility. So now as several states have made different rulings, we'll see where the Supreme Court comes down.
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