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Responses: 5
MSgt Dale Johnson
What??? That's about stupid. Hey, lets reward Hamas for murdering, raping, and kidnapping Jewish people.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
9 mo
MSgt Dale Johnson: Guess that is the way Joe sees it which certainly confirms his mental instability.
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SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
Is there a bigger idiot in our Country than Joe, especially with our tax dollars? No body asked me if I want to support that radical group and I can't seem to recall the last time he gave $50 million to Veterans in need.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
9 mo
Yes, Kamlala-ding-dong
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
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LTC Marc King
My anger mounts daily my frustration increases with each article I read and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop it. This man and his administration must be defeated in 11 months. His damage to our nation will be irreparable.
SSgt Kelly D.
SSgt Kelly D.
9 mo
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
9 mo
LTC Marc King: We are just about there now, we don't have to look any further than the invasion at the border and over 100 attacks on American installations and troops and what does Joe do, blows up an empty building. As a combat veteran, his "aggressive" military actions are beyond my military retaliatory way of thinking. I would be ashamed to serve under a guy like that.
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
9 mo
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D America is with you… witness the failure to achieve recruiting goals!
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
9 mo
LTC Marc King So true Sir with respect to recruitment, it is diminishing with a major shift in Patriotism. When I entered the military during the Viet Nam war I was proud to fight for our Country. Today, the same category of people I represented over 50 years ago, transposed to today, are fighting AGAINST our Country. My heart and mind are screaming in pain at the demolition of the Country we love and gave so much for to make it even be better for future generations, those who are now saying we wasted lives in vain. They are killing us mentally and our Country physically. America is very fragile right now and it will take a miracle to save her.
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