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Responses: 3
SPC Lyle Montgomery
I personally am aginst Statins The VA put me on several and they caused me problems so I read everything that I can on them. No one in my family could tolerate them. A doctor prescribed them to my 95 year old mother who was in assisted living and I could see that it was bothering her too.I had to fire her doctor. The new doctor agreed with me that statins were not for my mom. I was in a diabetes drug study in the VA and a nurse told me that only 2% of the population couldn't tolerate statins. I told her to move her decimal point . In actuality 20% can't tolerate them. The VA is great but a vet has to be very proactive in his treatment because doctors and nurses are not always correct.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
9 mo
Agree about advocating for yourself. I recently had to argue with the nurse at a CT Scan room because she tried to give me intravenous contrast dye that I'm not supposed to have. It took two hours for them to find my referral and admit they were wrong.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
9 mo
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - I had a male nurse give me the contrast dye and he didn't get it into the vein. I had to do the MRI all over again and had a purple arm for a week. fortunately it was an MRI and not a catscan. I dont need to soak up more rem's. I did enough of that in the neuclear industry.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
9 mo
I recently had a blood draw where they had to go to my hand to get it--and then screwed up the stick. Ironically, it was a contract provider, not VA staff. As for statins, I've been taking Simvastatin for 20 years and it's a big help for my cholesterol. . . .
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
9 mo
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. - I don't have high cholestrol. The doc's just thought that I should have it. I declined.
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MSG Greg Kelly
I have never heard of this drug
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
9 mo
I currently have it for cholesterol and now am wondering if it's such a good thing?
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
9 mo
CMSgt Marcus Falleaf - I'm going to inquire at my next physical. . . .
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MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Edited 9 mo ago
I take generic Lipitor and my heart has been stable for almost 9 years. I have no doubt that some heart meds are over-prescribed, but for me, Atorvastatin has worked well. I have a good friend who had to quit taking them, the side effects were very bad for him.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
9 mo
Bottom liine: We're our own best advocates . . .
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