Posted on Dec 17, 2023
Supreme Court Declines to Block Illinois 'Assault Weapons' Ban
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 3
Most of the liberals and socialists who want to ban "assault weapons" cannot define what characteristics such a weapon might possess.
CPO Chief Pitts
My man! Tell the choir like it is! I like the senator who asked if the attachment of a pistol brace makes the gun fire more rapidly? Reply was, I believe in my mind it does!!
Thank God that I don't live in that liberal state of Illinois. To the east we have Iowa which is a good state but to the west we have Colorado that sucks with all the liberals and potheads I'm thankful to be here in Nebraska with its cold winters and hot summers but not liberal and good normal people.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Ditto for Idaho--although too many Californicators are moving to Boise . . .
I am probably as rabid a second amendment guy as anyone I know, but this case was jumped a couple of levels, so it was sent back down to see if the lower courts follow the current precedents. Since it is going back to the Seventh, I don't see it happening, so it will end up at the Supreme Court again.
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