Posted on Dec 14, 2023
'Big Day for the Commonwealth': Virginia Governor Youngkin Scoops Wizards and Capitals From DC
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Youth and Criminals do not fear the Law anymore. Time to resurrect Laws from the Old West when Horse Thieves were hung. Atop this feeling sorry for Criminals and impose Strong Prison sentences for Car Jackers and other violent Criminals especially if anyone was injured during the Crime, Carjacking or after the car was stolen. Reduce the age for trial as an adult to 14, those kids under 18 know they can do anything and get away with it because they are young.
MSgt Dale Johnson
SGT Aaron Atwood - True, but especially these Car Jackers and Thieves that are arrested IN the STOLEN vehicle because they have crashed into something or someone fleeing the Police should be given NO QUARTER.
There are a group of kids generally 14 to 18 here in Columbus Ohio they call the Kia Boys who are stealing cars to joyride. At least one person has been killed because they drive like maniacs fleeing police. One Mother was on TV stating she wanted the courts to keep her son in jail because every time he has been picked up a Judge has let him go and she is afraid he will get killed after stealing a car. He has been arrested something like 8 times.
There are a group of kids generally 14 to 18 here in Columbus Ohio they call the Kia Boys who are stealing cars to joyride. At least one person has been killed because they drive like maniacs fleeing police. One Mother was on TV stating she wanted the courts to keep her son in jail because every time he has been picked up a Judge has let him go and she is afraid he will get killed after stealing a car. He has been arrested something like 8 times.
SGT Mary G.
MSgt Dale Johnson - Very sad situation, everywhere.
"Reduce the age for trial as an adult to 14, those kids under 18 know they can do anything and get away with it because they are young."
Would solve problems if necessary - if kids don't get sent to Juvie any more for committing crimes before they can be tried as adults.
"Reduce the age for trial as an adult to 14, those kids under 18 know they can do anything and get away with it because they are young."
Would solve problems if necessary - if kids don't get sent to Juvie any more for committing crimes before they can be tried as adults.
MSgt Dale Johnson
SGT Mary G. The Judges here have said they are trying to reform these kids by not sending them to Juvie so the kids get released back out to their parents who evidently can't control them to begin with.
SGT Mary G.
MSgt Dale Johnson - Figures. And people wonder why juvenile crime is so rampant. Happens here too.
It is good news because there is an implied message between the lines,” That says cities are responsible to their communities safety.” Hidden away from plain sight is the lost revenues, which all cities derive from property tax & normal revenue raising. The District might exist with the help of Congress’s support but when you take revenue from the government you put yourself at their mercy. States and school districts all over America have felt the sting of, “ Do this or no more funding.”
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