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Responses: 4
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel good day Brother William, always informational and of the most interesting. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!
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CPL LaForest Gray
They aren’t dumb and have been publicly showing their hand at the long-game https://youtu.be/DjTRVAIpjmc?si=eLWjx002PMhuDoKX yet, you think they won’t use legitimate legislation for dictatorship going into 2024 and beyond.

You honestly believe this is a One-Off when most of you are STILL Oblivious. It’s not an insult, it is a STATEMENT OF FACTS.

A real-time public coupe is in play and you do nothing. You speak of the Deep State and look past the public one going on.

You’re either complicit in the criminal conspiracy which makes you a willing participant, or you’re simply complacent in choosing to do nothing which equals compliance.

Freedom is NOT FREE.

What did the agents find?

Twenty boxes worth of material, according to an inventory released alongside the search warrant on Friday.

The FBI took 11 sets of classified files in total, including four that were labelled "top secret". Three sets were classified as "secret documents" and three were "confidential".

The cache also included files marked "TS/SCI", a designation for the country's most important secrets that if revealed publicly could cause "exceptionally grave" damage to US national security.

Some of these files were only meant to be kept in secure government facilities, according to court documents.

But the court records do not indicate what information these documents could contain, and there is much we do not know about the items on the inventory.
For example, other items taken include a binder of photos, a handwritten note and unspecified information about the "President of France.

What crimes may have been committed?

There are several laws governing the handling of classified information and presidential records, and these come with both criminal and civil penalties.

In fact, Mr Trump increased the penalties for the removal of classified documents or materials while he was in office and it is now punishable by up to five years in prison.

The unsealed search warrant shows prosecutors are investigating three potential crimes.

These are:

* violations of the Espionage Act

* obstruction of justice

* the criminal handling of government records

None of the three criminal laws in question depend on whether the files are declassified.

This means it is uncertain whether Mr Trump's argument would hold up in court.

The former president has not been charged with wrongdoing, and it remains unclear whether criminal charges will be brought as a result of the investigation.

SOURCE : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62528709.amp


I have no more cautionary FACTS to share.

Research : “The Project 2025 PDF”

Research : “The Heritage Foundation”

Stay alert, Stay safe & Stay strong


1.) Project 2025: A conservative think tank's plan for a Republican presidency

By Beatrice Lawrence

* Air Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 3:00pmTuesday, September 19, 2023, 4:30pm

In April, a conservative think tank called the Heritage Foundation unveiled the blueprint for Project 2025—a game plan to be used if a Republican is elected president in the next election.

The more than 900-page report outlines how conservatives might boost executive power and deconstruct the administrative state from the moment a Republican president is sworn in.

We talk to a public policy expert about what’s in the plan, the likelihood of it being enacted, and how it would affect how we’re governed.

Rob Ferrett
Donald Kettl
Beatrice Lawrence
Technical Director(s): 
Tyler Ditter

Wisconsin Public Radio, © Copyright 2023, Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin Educational Communications Board.

SOURCE : https://www.wpr.org/project-2025-conservative-think-tanks-plan-republican-presidency


The Heritage Foundation brands itself as a beacon of the intellectual conservative establishment. In reality, the think tank serves as a pipeline of hate to the Trump administration, dedicating significant energy to extremist policy recommendations to deny access to abortion and birth control and to harm LGBTQ people.

Key Players
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* Since its founding, the Heritage Foundation has become “inextricably intertwined” with Republican administrations and lawmakers in Washington. Heritage brands itself as a beacon of the intellectual conservative establishment; in reality, it is an organization that regularly spouts hateful ideas on par with organizations like the Family Research Council (FRC), which has earned designation from the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. Much like its peer groups, Heritage dedicates significant energy to extremist policy recommendations that hinder access to abortion and birth control and promote discrimination against LGBTQ individuals.

* These extremist policy positions have had an outsized influence on the Trump administration. As reported in the New York Times Magazine, Heritage developed a massive database of conservatives — many of them current staffers or alums of the think tank — to staff the Trump administration. These individuals, who are connected to Heritage and currently serve in the administration, maintain relationships with the think tank and likely serve as back channels to influence policy — which has been closely mirrored between the two entities since Trump took office.

* Despite claiming to conduct “accurate research,” Heritage supports extremist policies and misleading information

* Heritage has developed a vast right-wing network, beginning with strong internship and college outreach programs.

* Heritage’s Young Leaders Program — with 75-person summer cohorts — is a successful stepping stone into positions within the federal government.

“On-ramps to congressional staff positions for conservatives include talent development programs funded by The Heritage Foundation, the Charles Koch Institute, The Federalist Society, the Tax Foundation and the Mercatus Center.” [Roll Call, 1/25/19]

* Heritage President Kay Cole James announced the 2018 dedication of a new dormitory for the think tank’s interns as an expansion of its “base of operations” in the “fight” against the left.

“James… described the new intern dorm as an expansion of the think tank’s ‘base of operations’ against what she characterized as a ‘very determined and very well-resourced foe. They want to change America into something she was never intended to be. And they might succeed if we don’t fight every single day of our lives.’” [New York Times Magazine, 6/20/18]

SOURCE : https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/

A.) Heritage has exercised enormous control over staffing the Trump administration — as is clearly demonstrated in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

B.) Heritage alums working at HHS were intimately involved in the creation of OCR’s new discriminatory division — a concept embraced by The Heritage Foundation.

C.) The Heritage Foundation has had clear policy influence over the Trump administration, particularly as HHS threatens to gut funding for research using fetal tissue.

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.


Inside the remote California county where the far right took over: ‘Civility went out the window’

This article is more than 1 month old
Shasta Lake on 2 July 2021 in Redding, California. Photograph: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

In Shasta county the pandemic intensified political divisions, and many officials quit or were pushed out amid bitter tensions
by Dani Anguiano in Redding, California

SOURCE : https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/23/california-shasta-county-far-right-extremists-politics-pandemic

2.) Another extremist-driven California county recall is just getting started. Here’s where

SOURCE : https://amp.sacbee.com/news/california/article258071928.html

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.
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CPL LaForest Gray
Understanding …..


1.) How One Conservative Think Tank Is Stocking Trump’s Government

By placing its people throughout the administration, the Heritage Foundation has succeeded in furthering its right-wing agenda.

The Trump team may not have been prepared to staff the government, but the Heritage Foundation was. In the summer of 2014, a year before Trump even declared his candidacy, the right-wing think tank had started assembling a 3,000-name searchable database of trusted movement conservatives from around the country who were eager to serve in a post-Obama government. The initiative was called the Project to Restore America, a dog-whistle appeal to the so-called silent majority that foreshadowed Trump’s own campaign slogan.

Today it is clear that for all the chaos and churn of the current administration, Heritage has achieved a huge strategic victory. Those who worked on the project estimate that hundreds of the people the think tank put forward landed jobs, in just about every government agency. Heritage’s recommendations included some of the most prominent members of Trump’s cabinet: Scott Pruitt, Betsy DeVos (whose in-laws endowed Heritage’s Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society), Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Jeff Sessions and many more. Dozens of Heritage employees and alumni also joined the Trump administration — at last count 66 of them, according to Heritage, with two more still awaiting Senate confirmation. It is a kind of critical mass that Heritage had been working toward for nearly a half-century.

Feulner saw something in Reagan long before he became president. “We had met with him when he was governor in California; we had visited his ranch and seen copies of Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek with marginal notes in the book,” Feulner told me. “So we knew that he was one of us.” In the run-up to the 1980 election, Heritage spent $250,000 to assemble a comprehensive guidebook for conservative rule that it called “Mandate for Leadership” and aggressively marketed it to members of Reagan’s transition team, in particular Edwin Meese, who was Reagan’s chief of staff in California and later became his attorney general in Washington.

The big gamble paid off: Meese told me that Reagan asked that the 1,093-page document be distributed at his first cabinet meeting. Reagan also turned to Heritage and Feulner to help staff and organize his administration. An enduring, mutually beneficial friendship was born. Meese wrote a letter on White House stationery stating that members of Heritage’s President’s Club — at the time, donors of $1,000 or more — would “provide a vital communications link between policymakers and those key people who made possible Reagan’s victory,” as Sidney Blumenthal reported in his 1986 book “The Rise of the Counter-Establishment.”

The relationship worked both ways. When Reagan’s second term ended, Meese joined Heritage as its first Ronald Reagan Fellow in Public Policy, with an annual salary of more than $400,000. Now 86, he remains at the think tank as distinguished fellow emeritus of the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.

Over the following decades, Feulner continued to pursue his dream of turning the counterestablishment into the establishment. The prospects had perhaps never looked bleaker than they did in 2012, when Obama was easily elected to his second term. Having just turned 70, Feulner decided that it was time to retire. At that moment in conservative history, it was not difficult for him to see where the future of the think tank lay: the Tea Party. Heritage had helped organize and underwrite the anti-tax, anti-government — and, most of all, anti-Obama — movement, even creating a lobbying organization, Heritage Action, to help harness the energy it unleashed.

DeMint intensified the think tank’s marketing efforts, targeting Obamacare in particular. A Heritage billboard went up in Times Square — “Warning,” it read, “Obamacare may be hazardous to your health” — and DeMint led a “Defund Obamacare Tour” across the country. In Congress, he had been something of a one-man ideological enforcer. Now he had at his disposal the power of an $80 million institution whose name was a one-word shorthand for movement conservatism; the backing of some of the country’s richest, most politically engaged Republicans; and a significant slice of the conservative base. Within months of his arrival, he was pressing House Republicans to send the president a spending bill that wouldn’t fund the Affordable Care Act, thus inviting a government shutdown. “There’s no question in my mind that I have more influence now on public policy than I did as an individual senator,” he said in an interview with National Public Radio in 2013.

Churn is a central feature of this administration, even for its unofficial staffing agency. Paul Winfree, a Heritage economist who helped draft Trump’s first budget, is back at the think tank. So are Stephen Moore, who worked on the Trump tax cuts; David Kreutzer, who played a key role in dissolving a White House working group that was studying the monetary costs associated with climate-warming carbon dioxide; and Hans von Spakovsky, who helped run the now-defunct voter-fraud commission, which was created to find evidence to support Trump’s baseless claim that millions of people voted illegally for Hillary Clinton.

SOURCE : https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/magazine/trump-government-heritage-foundation-think-tank.html

There’s more insecure white racist nationalists groups/organization’s than just Project 2025, The Heritage Foundation ( No refuge, white racist nationalist will no longer have anonymity to remain anonymous )

2.) The Claremont Institute: The Anti-Democracy Think Tank

It was once (mostly) traditionally conservative and (sort of) intellectually rigorous. Now it platforms white nationalists and promotes authoritarianism.

August 10, 2023

NatCon conferences, as they are often called, have been held in Italy, Belgium, and Florida and are broadly associated with what is increasingly called the “New Right.” In London, speakers denounced “woke politics,” blamed immigration for the rising cost of housing, and said modern ills could be solved with more religion and more (nonimmigrant) babies.

The break room was lined with booths from organizations such as the Viktor Orban–affiliated Danube Institute, the U.K.-based conservative think tank the Bow Group, the Heritage Foundation, and the legal powerhouse Alliance Defending Freedom, which is headquartered in Arizona but has expanded to include offices in nearly a half-dozen European cities.

When I attended NatCon London in May, I heard a number of American accents in the crowd, and I was not surprised to see Michael Anton, a former national security official in the Trump administration and a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, a right-wing think tank, on the lineup. These days, Anton and other key representatives of the Claremont Institute seem to be everywhere: onstage at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC); at the epicenter of Ron DeSantis’s “war on woke”; and on speed-dial with GOP allies including Josh Hawley, J.D. Vance, and Donald Trump.

Most of us are familiar with the theocrats of the religious right and the anti-government extremists, groups that overlap a bit but remain distinct. The Claremont Institute folks aren’t quite either of those things, and yet they’re both and more. In embodying a kind of nihilistic yearning to destroy modernity, they have become an indispensable part of right-wing America’s evolution toward authoritarianism.

Extremism of the right-wing variety has always figured on the sidelines of American culture, and it has enjoyed a renaissance with the rise of social media. But Claremont represents something new in modern American politics: a group of people, not internet conspiracy freaks but credentialed and influential leaders, who are openly contemptuous of democracy. And they stand a reasonable chance of being seated at the highest levels of government—at the right hand of a President Trump or a President DeSantis, for example.

There is a story you hear from the podiums at gatherings like NatCon and CPAC, and if you go to enough of them, it will sound as familiar as a classic rock song. It goes something like this: The sum of all our problems—and the greatest threat that the American republic has ever faced—is the rise of the “woke” elite. Cosmopolitan, overeducated, gender-fluid, parasitic, and anti-Christian—the leaders of this progressive cabal worship at the shrine of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offices, which they use to elevate undeserving people of color and crush hardworking “real” Americans.

They control “the regime,” or so the song tells us: “the administrative state,” the institutions of culture, law enforcement, even the military.

Any and all means to annihilate the power of the woke, up to and including political violence and overturning elections, must be seriously considered if we (right-thinking Americans) are to “save our country.”

It’s not just the NatCon types who are humming this tune; it has permeated other sectors of the American right. In the run-up to the 2023 Road to Majority Policy Conference, an annual gathering of religious right activists, strategists, and politicians that took place in Washington, D.C., in June, seasoned Christian right strategist Ralph Reed sent out a fundraising email asserting, “Woke culture and anti-Christian, anti-American radicals drive our public life further and further from the Light of God’s Word.” From the main stage of the conference, Ron DeSantis railed against the “woke mind virus”; Vivek Ramaswamy took a swipe at the “administrative state”; and Josh Hawley asserted that “woke corporations” and “Marxists in the C-suite” are “pushing relentlessly this Marxist agenda, pushing relentlessly this religion of woke.” At the gala dinner, Trump delivered a rambling attack on his political opponents in the Democratic Party, whom he accused of “trying to impose their blasphemous creed of woke communism.”

SOURCE : https://newrepublic.com/article/174656/claremont-institute-think-tank-trump

*** Disclaimer : This a repost from myself, because people are tooooo comfortable with the status quo. ***

“I will not apologize for telling the FACTS, in a world that worship the lies”.

* They’ve been actively working against the American People and for the large corporations and rich.

Before you chime in and snub your nose, have INTEGRITY with yourself if you ACTUALLY befitting from :

The Heritage Foundation's "After Obamacare Repeal" Plan

This page covering a proposed federal healthcare bill was last updated in 2017. If you would like to help our coverage grow, consider donating to Ballotpedia. Please contact us with any updates.

After Obamacare Repeal is a healthcare plan released by The Heritage Foundation in October 2013. The plan would primarily provide consumers with tax credits to purchase insurance and encourage the use of health savings accounts.

Employer-sponsored insurance would also be amended ending the federal tax deduction for health benefits. The Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, would be repealed in its entirety.


Under the proposal, employers would offer their employees a cash contribution to purchase their own insurance, rather than providing health plans directly.
In place of the prohibition on denying coverage for preexisting conditions, the plan supports either state-operated high-risk pools or state reinsurance programs that would reimburse insurers for the cost of covering individuals with complex or expensive conditions.

Federal Medicaid funds would be distributed to states either through block grants or a per-capita allotment, rather than as a matching percentage of state funds.

The Heritage Foundation public official program/plan to continue to hurt the American people and this is the same group that is publicly funding those GOP/REPUBLICANS that in 2023’ want to gut/defund/eradicate Social Security starting day one of the first 180 of the new GOP Commander In Chief.

The following is summary text from The Heritage Foundation's After Obamacare Repeal plan

allow Americans to reclaim control of their own health care and benefit from competition in a free market for insurance and health care, Congress should repeal the Obamacare statute and enact patient-centered, market-based reforms based on five principles:
• Choose, control, and carry your own health insurance;
• Let free markets provide the insurance and health care services that people want;
• Encourage employers to provide a portable health insurance benefit to employees;
• Assist those who need help through civil society, the free market, and the states; and
• Protect the right of conscience and unborn children.[1] ”
—The Heritage Foundation[2]

The Heritage Foundation's After Obamacare Repeal would repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in its entirety. The plan also proposes ending the federal tax deduction for health benefits offered by employers and instead offering all individuals a tax credit to purchase health insurance on their own. The plan would also support offering each American a standard tax deduction for health insurance as an alternative to tax credits.[3] Under the proposal, employers would offer their employees a cash contribution to purchase their own insurance, rather than providing health plans directly

* After Obamacare Repeal would also encourage the use of health savings accounts (HSAs) by removing the restriction on using HSA funds for health insurance premiums and by raising the limit on the amount of money an individual may deposit into the account each year. In place of the prohibition on denying coverage for preexisting conditions, the plan supports either state-operated high-risk pools or state reinsurance programs that would reimburse insurers for the cost of covering individuals with complex or expensive conditions.[2]

* With the goal of increasing competition, the proposal would remove federal barriers to selling insurance plans across state lines. Under the plan, small businesses and individuals could pool together for the purpose of purchasing insurance, and religious groups and fraternal organizations could offer insurance plans to their members.[2]

* After Obamacare Repeal would also make changes to Medicaid and Medicare. The proposal would encourage states to provide low-income Medicaid beneficiaries with cash assistance to purchase private health plans. Federal Medicaid funds would be distributed to states either through block grants or a per-capita allotment, rather than as a matching percentage of state funds. The Medicare program would be altered by allowing doctors and patients to "[contract] privately for medical services outside of traditional Medicare." The plan also supports providing Medicare enrollees with a subsidy to purchase a health plan of their choice.[2

SOURCE : https://ballotpedia.org/The_Heritage_Foundation%27s_%22After_Obamacare_Repeal%22_Plan

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