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Responses: 6
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Good luck with that
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SP5 Robert Kennedy
My mom had integrity. If you asked her to keep something between us secret, it was secret... other than discussing it with my dad, that was a given. They're both gone now, but each of their 8 kids still celebrate their birth and death days. (Just for the record, I was their second born, but while I'm holding on to age 39 - a gift from Jack Benny - all of my siblings are over 60)
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
10 mo
SP5 Robert Kennedy - That's awesome. Maybe in some families sons are treated with a trust and respect not extended to daughters? It seems quite likely that the new parent learning curve is easier on the children when there are several kids growing up at the same time!
I figured while growing up that being first time parents was on the job training, and was obviously quite stressing for parents. I knew it was for a first child, being the experimental test case, who experiences all the trial and error mistakes that do not turn out well for anyone. Growing up is also on the job training for kids about parenting later in their lives. If we kept our wits about us, I'm sure many vowed to do better by our own children for a variety of reasons and within different circumstances - then actually did so!
SP5 Robert Kennedy
SP5 Robert Kennedy
10 mo
Greetings SGT Mary Gossage. Looking back, I was VERY GOOD AT MARRIAGE. All three of them. On the job training is a good thing, because every person has differing skills, talents, likes and dislikes. It's a balancing act, trying to do the stuff you like and avoid the stuff you don't like. Then it dawns on us that most of the stuff we like doesn't pay very well - if at all. I've had kids and step-kids. Liked them all, but kept guns away from them - just in case;-)
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
9 mo
SP5 Robert Kennedy - Right? lol. The joys of parenting. Being protective and/or defensive is trial and error. Similar though not the same. Children can identify unstated agendas and weaknesses a mile away and of course that often scares parents!
SP5 Robert Kennedy
SP5 Robert Kennedy
9 mo
Indeed they can SGT Mary Gossage. Here's an observation of mine. Being one of eight kids, with over 60 first cousins... Kids from larger families seem better prepared for parenting. They've observed things from many directions that were happening to their siblings that they didn't need to learn first hand... like fire hurts, or deep water isn't friendly to a non float capable person. Many things can be learned without the pain or agony that others have endured. They've also witnessed parent reflexes to issues with their siblings. You see what a sibling did that earned a spanking, or, a grounding - without having to do them and experience them. More kids, more lessons. The youngest learns more than the oldest. But the oldest babysits and it's like a pre-parenting scholarship.
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A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
AND "As The World Turns",
At One Time, Moons Ago,
A Married Friends of Ours, Dr. Ray Ritter, And His Wife Judy
Were Having Some Problems, Which Ray Told Be About.
And I In Turn Told My Wife At The Time: "In Strict Confidence,
Judy Thinks Ray Is Having An Affair With The Dental Hygienist,
But I Know As A Fact, He's Not""...A Day Or 2 Later Judy Called Me
Because My Wife Had Told Her What I'd Said.....'
THAT Was The Very LAST Time I EVER Trusted My Wife About Anything..
And It Still Holds To This Day... About 50 Years Later.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
9 mo
SP5 Robert Kennedy - ... No I Wasn't Sworn To Secrecy By Ray, And The ONLY Reason I Mentioned It To My Wife (Now EX) Is Because She Knew Ray & Judy Where Having Problems, But NOT Why, And She Was Concerned About It. I Was Simply Hoping IF My Wife Actually KNEW The Problem & It Was NOT Happening, She'd Be Less Concerned.~~ Is That What You Were Asking? ~~
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
9 mo
SGT Mary G. - ..
BOTH Judy & Ray Have Passed Away.
Oddly Enough, Both Due To Complications Of Diabetes.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
9 mo
SGT Mary G. -
Judy & Ray Did Get Things Taken Care Of For The Better,
EXCEPT: Judy Never Spoke To My Wife Again... I Don't Exactly Understand,
But That's What Happened..~~
YET Judy & I Maintained Our Friendship With No Issues Between Us ~~
SP5 Robert Kennedy
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