Posted on Dec 1, 2023
Tiny robots made from human cells heal damaged tissue
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I don't know. This kind of falls into the just because we can, should we category for me. The quality of life of artificially healing tissue that can't heal itself is bothersome to me, but hey it's probably decades before this may become practical.
Sara Lucas
As a transplant nurse..multiple solid organs..heart liver lungs kidneys...if we can use artificial cells..instead of waiting for human donors..that would be great..we already send heart transplant patients waiting for a human donor...we send them hone with mechanical left ventricle assist devices..battery powered..they can live for several years awaiting a human donor..and honestly sometimes they do better with the mechanical device than the donor..less rejection and infection problems.
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