Posted on Nov 11, 2023
Donald Trump flagged for possibly breaking the law with firearm sale: report
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Oh boy! We’ve got him now! As soon as the gun charge against Hunter Biden has been adjudicated ! LTC (Join to see) PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Stephen C. LTC Stephen C. SGT Philip Roncari SFC William Farrell CPT Jack Durish
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
CPT Jack Durish
If President Trump violated any law, he should be treated like anyone else. However, that isn't what's happening, is it? So, what's really going on here? I believe it's fear. Simple, primal fear. It is their fear of President Trump that makes him ever more appealing to me. (BTW, PO Nagel fears me. He fears my words which is my he blocks me and I can't respond to him unless you invite me. So, thanks for that.)
CSM Charles Hayden
CPT Jack Durish After lunching with you at In-N-Out, you are always welcome to join me!
YAWN! (Should a yawn ever rate an exclamation point? This time I think so).
Gotta love incompetent media reports: Orange Man May Have Broken The Law By Breathing While Republican.
This one is ALMOST as insane as the earlier report claiming that Trump broke the law by saying he'd like to buy the gun with his picture on it. I have no doubt that throughout his life, Trump has almost certainly broken dozens of laws -- as have everyone reading this -- but expressing interest in buying a gun is not illegal.
Even this nonsense article ends with an admission that nothing illegal happened, although the writer admits it backhandedly as "Trump will probably say"
But what the article ignores (and what Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for Palm Beach County, Florida, GETS WRONG) is that 18 USC 922 does not prohibit a person under indictment from selling or transferring a gun to someone else. The law prohibits transferring a gun TO someone under indictment and prohibits a person who is under indictment from transporting a firearm across state lines.
By the way, a federal district court has already ruled the law prohibiting gun sales to people who are just under indictment but not convicted is unconstitutional. Since that was in federal district court, the ruling only applies in that district (Texas) but would certainly be cited in any such case elsewhere
Gotta love incompetent media reports: Orange Man May Have Broken The Law By Breathing While Republican.
This one is ALMOST as insane as the earlier report claiming that Trump broke the law by saying he'd like to buy the gun with his picture on it. I have no doubt that throughout his life, Trump has almost certainly broken dozens of laws -- as have everyone reading this -- but expressing interest in buying a gun is not illegal.
Even this nonsense article ends with an admission that nothing illegal happened, although the writer admits it backhandedly as "Trump will probably say"
But what the article ignores (and what Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for Palm Beach County, Florida, GETS WRONG) is that 18 USC 922 does not prohibit a person under indictment from selling or transferring a gun to someone else. The law prohibits transferring a gun TO someone under indictment and prohibits a person who is under indictment from transporting a firearm across state lines.
By the way, a federal district court has already ruled the law prohibiting gun sales to people who are just under indictment but not convicted is unconstitutional. Since that was in federal district court, the ruling only applies in that district (Texas) but would certainly be cited in any such case elsewhere
I am sure he probably didnt flush and left a floater too...GEEZ... this gotta get Trump TDS mentality has got to end sometime...getting out of hand.
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