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Responses: 1
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
Neither has leftist tripe posing as historical commentary.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
11 mo
MSgt Steve Sweeney Are the Commandments not principles? I am not confused, because they are.

Old Oxford: a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

You say I am swerving in my arguement? I am just trying to keep up with you.

As far as the terrible stories in the Bible? Yep, bad people did bad and good things...good people did bad and good things...pretty realistic right? I thought so too.

If you hate God...that is fine. If you don't like Religion...thats fine. You cannot rightfully deny that the US prinicples of Law were not derived from Judeo-Christian origins. If you are trying to subvert that arguement by saying Anyone Could have come up with those ideas...maybe, but in this instance they did not.

I knew I was wasting my beath having this discussion with you and that is fine. I respect your right to have a differing opinion...thank and have a great day.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
11 mo
LTC Lance Headrick - When you gave orders, were they commands or were they principles? It is amazing that a commissioned officer does not understand the difference between a command and a principle. Certainly, commands may be grounded in a principle, but they are two different things. For example, innocent until proven guilty would be a principle. It is not a command.

I don't hate God any more than I hate the Easter Bunny, or any other man-made esoteric concepts. Many nations had laws before Christ was on the scene - Rome, Greece, even the Babylonians had laws. China and Japan have plenty of laws, many that mirror laws in the United States. Laws against murder and rape. Laws against theft and other property crime. Even laws about marriage and taxes. So what laws, or principles of Law, were derived exclusively from a Judeo-Christian ethic?

I see you are the kind of person that feels they are "wasting their breath" talking with someone that does not agree with them. You accused me of "slanting the truth", yet you have not been able to show where I "slanted" anything. I understand you are very impressed by your own opinions, even if you are unable to defend or discuss them.
LTC Lance Headrick
LTC Lance Headrick
11 mo
MSgt Steve Sweeney LOL. I gave you 3 examples of slanting and you either ignore or dismiss. "Wasting my breath."

Commandments as princples? I gave you citations for that as well. I am standing on scholars shoulders to hold up their opinions. I am impressed with my opinion? I was impressed by some of the arguements in my citation to you.

Wasting my breath? You change azmith in your arguement to avoid dealing with the rebuttal from whomever you are talking to or ignore what they have said posing their arguement.

My example: John Adams uses "Christian Principle" when referring to Constitutional tennets. You say "yeah, you prove my point"...but whether Adams was a deist or whatever, he said Christian "believers in Christ". Then you swivel to a different personality. You can't accept that Judeo-Christian values/principles shaped our laws....I can accept that others have had similar values and achieved similar ends.

So I am wasting my breath.....I am willing to argue my opinion any time, but to what end when it is obvious you are as entrenched as I am...if I felt you really read what I wrote and argued against the points I have made...I would continue because it would refine what I do and don't believe.

Thanks and have a great day
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
11 mo
LTC Lance Headrick - How about the Judeo-Christian value or principle of forgiveness which, by all accounts, in very central to the doctrine. How is this enshrined in law?

If others have had "similar values" and achieved "similar ends", how can you be certain that it was Judeo-Christian values that shaped the laws? Based on a single statement from only one of the Founding Fathers, ignoring all the rest?

Personally I think you decided (or were told) what you want to believe first and then went about cherry-picking whatever you can that might possibly support what you already want to believe. You are certainly not alone in that practice, but it doesn't cause the thing you want to believe to become reality. At least you acknowledge that you are entrenched and unlikely to change your view regardless of the logic, reason, and evidence you may encounter contrary to your ossified opinion.
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