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Responses: 8
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Do not let the evil in a person dictate the rights of everyone else.
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Maj John Bell
So, is there any evidence that the shooter was targeting the LGBTQIA2S++ community? Or are you politicizing the victims? Using them as pawns to advance an anti-conservative agenda, an anti-2nd Amendment Agenda?

Maybe he bitched about his neighbor's dog on social media. Does that mean the attack was an act of anti-dog violence?

From the link you provided: "Card reported experiencing mental health issues, including hearing voices, and had threatened to shoot up the National Guard base in Saco. He was committed to a mental health facility for two weeks during the summer."

Why was he not charged? The York County Maine prosecutor, Katherine Slattery, is a democrat. Why didn't she enforce the law?

SFC John Davis PO1 H Gene Lawrence Cpl Vic Burk LTC Stephen C. LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
11 mo
There are many claims being made about this shooter. How many of them are actually true will eventually be made public. Maybe. His being a firearms instructor has been debunked and isn't true.

The mental issue is a red herring. He was deemed well enough and released by medical authorities. And that was July. If he actually was deemed a hazard to himself or the public, why was he not being monitored?
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
11 mo
EXCELLENT points! Well stated!
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
I rant about transgender people all the time. Doesn't mean I'm going to go on a shooting spree, targeting anyone that crosses my path.
This guy has a history of mental illness and access to weapons. The townspeople knew to avoid him. Recipe for disaster.
It sucks, but it has nothing to do with transgender virtue signaling.
SPC Carl Davis
SPC Carl Davis
11 mo
Lawenforcement has opened up his social media life. Interesting stuff.
SPC Carl Davis
SPC Carl Davis
11 mo
SFC John Davis Most reports are from the local community through social media platforms. The Army has released a statement. Nothing new there. They are tight lipped until he's caught or unalived.
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