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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
We are broke because of our own stupid leadership and politicians. Private citizens would be jailed for this
MSG Billy Brumfield
MSG Billy Brumfield
11 mo
There are plenty of people who think that everyone who makes more than they do aren't taxed enough, but they are overtaxed. If they would just tax those people more, everything would be ok!
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SPC (Other / Not listed)
This guy says, "(politicians) spend more than they could ever raise in taxation." This is absolute B.S.
They NEVER raise taxes! They give tax write offs, tax breaks to the richest people! I remember when Bush #2 said the tax breaks to the richest would be "temporary." Remember that?
And was it "temporary?" HELL NO!
The rich get richer and the poorer, poorer. . . .
We are the wealthiest country that has ever existed on this earth.
Yet, we have pitiful ghettos, pockets of extreme poverty.
And people yell, "Cut taxes to social programs!"
Remember Raygun lying, saying that the riches given to the top rishest would "trickle down?"
What a CROCK!
Why is it that people blame the victims, the powerless, those who aren't worth anything?
Same question only asked differently: Why isn't treasonous traitor trump in prison????
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
11 mo
MSG Billy Brumfield - I'm talking about Raygun's "Voodoo Economics" and not what the government is doing.
My mother was a single parent and made 50 cents an hour. We lived in dire poverty.
This is the reason that I cannot stand rich people who didn't give a damn if we lived or died.
Repubs didn't and still don't give one damn about the impoverished who are uneducated and powerless.
It's SICKENING that the Repubs blame the victims for what has happened to the poor, the homeless, the starving, those in jail, the sick. You know, all the ones whom Jesus said we were to care about and do something about.
Don't tell me that the richest and greediest paying their fair share of taxes would destroy this country.
That's absolute BULLS*IT ! ! ! !
MSG Billy Brumfield
MSG Billy Brumfield
11 mo
SPC (Join to see) - Well, have dinner with a Democrat politician, I'm sure you can afford it!

You really think a Democrat gives a shit about you? Do you think they don't give tax breaks to the rich?

You claim Republicans and the rich don't give a shit about the poor, who keeps asking for billions for Ukraine?

Don't tell me that the richest and greediest paying their fair share of taxes would destroy this country. What's their fair share? They already pay over 60% of the tax burden while over half the country pays nothing! Is nothing a fair share?
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
11 mo
MSG Billy Brumfield - Hi Billy. The fair share of the richest 1% is only 60% of the total? Not so. As far as Repubs not giving a sh*t and Dems doing so, I really didn't complete the story concerning my family of origin. We lived in a very red state, Oklahoma, during my childhood. When I was 16 and could drive a car, I drove our jalopy with my younger sister, our mother, and me inside to a blue state, California. (An older sister had already moved out of that red state to this blue state.) Our mother was able to take a GED test that wasn't available in the red state. Then, she was eligible to train as an LVN which also wasn't available in the red state. And while working as a nurse, she PAID TAXES, which she didn't in the red state because she was worked to death in a steam laundry for 50¢ an hour and had four kids for which she was responsible.
If you didn't live in poverty----and it sounds like you didn't----you have no idea what the difference between a red state and a blue state was and still is. And you think that the red and the blue are the same. From experiences in poverty, I can say, "NONSENSE!"
MSG Billy Brumfield
MSG Billy Brumfield
11 mo
I grew up IN Cleveland. We moved out to the country when I was 7/8 yrs old. I knew what government cheese tasted like long before I went in the Army. During the Carter administration my parents hours were cut drastically but at least they didn't get laid off for years like the auto workers in the area did, we still got government cheese even thought they were working. Did I live in poverty then? My dad was a plant supervisor in the 70's and made $1.25/hr. My parents still live in that house, it's not in the country anymore thanks to urban sprawl and white flight. My mother got her GED in Ohio, red state? I've been stationed all over the country and only on a base twice. I was stationed in Cleveland, Philadelphia, St. Louis, the DC area (not on a base) and Bismarck, ND. The bases I was stationed at were Ft Meade, MD and Ft Hunter Liggett, CA. That doesn't include the bases I'd been temporarily stationed at for several months at a time. So I have lived in mostly Blue Cities and metropolitan areas and a few blue states, all shit dumps except for the part of California I lived in. I actually miss a lot about that but I doubt I would if I had to pay the local taxes, thankfully I was an Ohio resident my entire career. When I first got to the Philadelphia area I lived in the barracks at Ft Dix, NJ and commuted. I ate in the mess hall if I ate and at the time it was 95 cents for breakfast and $1.90 for lunch an dinner each. I was divorced and broke. I've known the struggle. I was off on the taxes slightly,

In the United States, all citizens and green card holders share the responsibility of paying income taxes1. Taxes are mandatory contributions levied on individuals or corporations by a government entity2. Tax revenues finance government activities, including public works and services such as roads and schools, or programs such as Social Security and Medicare2. The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent3. The top 1 percent of earners paid nearly 42 percent of all income taxes4

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