Posted on Oct 13, 2023
House Republicans Move To Censure Tlaib Over Israel Rhetoric | The Daily Wire
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
We should also be working to observe and record all public events promoting and/or condoning Hamas and any other terror factions. The cowardly masks at these protests also need to come off (because if they're claiming they're worried about COVID, I'm throwing the BS flag). You are free to say what you want, and no one is saying otherwise, but you can and should be held accountable for your words. The politicians parsing words as they try to appear to be on the fence promoting "peace" while still offering "support" to the Palestinians, should also be considered for censure. Far too many of the people of the Palestinian territories are literally in the street cheering on the terrorists. Israel has given them options to vacate as they prepare to move in (something the terrorists did not do as they brutally murdered women and children, desecrated bodies, beheaded people, etc. THIS MUST STOP NOW! It's time to let the Israelis loose to at a minimum, marginalize Hamas and any other terror factions promoting the end of Israel. End them! I am all for a free and peaceful Palestinian state, but they are clearly not supportive of peace and an end to aggression against the Israeli people. The onus is on them to demonstrate they truly desire a peaceful existence with the Israeli people. Until then, either get out of Gaza, or stay and fight. But don't try to appeal to my empathy for what's to come if you choose to remain in what is clearly about to be a war zone to remove the terrorist threats.
She ought to be removed from congress and investigated for being an enemy of the state.
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