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Responses: 9
LTC David Brown
Edited 12 mo ago
We are funding Ukraine government, we are funding Ukraine infrastructure, we are funding protecting Ukraine’s borders. #1 problem in Ukraine is Russia. Number 2 problem is corruption. Why can’t Americans get an accounting of where the money is going?
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
12 mo
PV2 Larry Sellnow - oh heavens sake. Pelosi insider traded for years. Mendez has beenn corrupt forever, earmarks abound on both sides of the isles. Nadler wants a $1 million dollar side walk earmark. https://mobile.twitter.com/JesseBWatters/status/ [login to see] 65035090
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
12 mo
Amen! How about funding our security along the border? The few mile of fence President Biden is finally building, after he said he wouldn’t, won’t put a dent in the terrorists entering our Country because of his policies.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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12 mo
SFC John Davis The fish stinks from the head down. President Biden stinks. MHO
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
12 mo
SFC John Davis Notice how the people who Trump is corrupt and was inflating his property's worth want zero accountability in regards to any money sent to a foreign country.
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LTC Self Employed
If anything, President Biden is the appeaser-in-chief with China. He doesn't want to put sanctions. President Trump said he would put Duty and sanctions on all these countries that rip us off. Look for the example if you try to sell a Harley-Davidson in india, India puts 100% Duty on that motorcycle yet that Indian Motorcycles being sold in the USA without any duty. President Biden is the Chamberlain of the modern era.

If anything, this speech should be focused on President Biden because he's opened our borders, and let the left Rule and run amok. He considers our kids to be his kids and he wants to be all transgender. He has surrendered the transgender transfer left and other Rogue elements that are basically the tail wagging the President Biden dog

SFC John Davis LTC David Brown

President Biden and his homeland security Chief should both be impeached, convicted and removed from office for crimes against the people of the United States and for not following federal law whether it be oil leases, guarding the border and accepting Brides from foreign governments and corporate entities. And President Biden talks about bottom up, middle out but not the top down? He's the one receiving money from the top down from ukraine.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
12 mo
President Biden can't put sanctions on China when his family raked in tens of millions of dollars from the Communist Chinese Party. They could tell the whole world about government coordination they bought and paid for.
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LTC Self Employed
No this isn't the same. Also, we found out yesterday that money that was supposed to go to Ukraine for weapons procurement is actually being used for putting diversity, equi and inclusion and funding government employees of ukraine. That's not what we sent money for and Democrats don't want to have an inspector General to audit the spending. Sounds like fraud come a waste and abuse in the corrupt Ukraine government. Also, look how president zelinsky embarrassed the Canadian government by having him give a World War II veteran that helped the Nazis have a standing ovation which embarrassed prime minister Trudeau.
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