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Responses: 12
LTC Trent Klug
Biden has proved, at every opportunity, that he puts America last. As does every Democrat in Congress. The same goes for the print and airwaves media.

It now appears his family, through its shell companies, raked in upwards of $50 million in, ahem, goods and services 'rendered'. Of course, they can't tell you what the goods or services were.

This current president is the worst to ever hold office. Jimmy Carter and Millard Fillmore are glad to be out of the bottom spot. At least they were incompetent and had America's interest at heart.
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LTC Self Employed
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
1 y
V1 : https://youtu.be/EM8t0aaaFMc?si=V7kRMQRZOwJFi-Sv

V2 : https://youtu.be/qOHl_u8r5oE?si=_NMzL2Y_AyNvtrog

V3 : https://youtu.be/X4G7asMHqZ4?si=4oINuaf0HRqY-Nws

1.) MAGA movement
United States political movement

MAGA movement, in full Make America Great Again movement, nativist political movement that emerged in the United States during the 2016 presidential campaign of its putative leader, Donald Trump. Its name is derived from Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” which became a rallying cry for many Trump supporters during his candidacy, presidency (2017–21), and beyond.

The MAGA movement (often referred to simply as MAGA, or Make America Great Again), was founded on the belief that the United States was once a “great” country but has lost this status owing to foreign influence, both within its borders (via immigration and multiculturalism) and without (via globalization, or the increased integration of multiple national economies).

MAGA members think that this fall from grace can be reversed through “America first” policies that would provide a greater degree of economic protectionism, greatly reduce immigration, particularly from developing countries, and encourage or enforce what MAGA members consider to be traditional American values.

Some MAGA-supported policies, such as Trump’s call in 2015 for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” would involve egregious racial or religious discrimination. (Some of the policies eventually adopted by the Trump administration did entail such discriminatory treatment of nonwhite immigrants; see below.)

In addition to its political stances, the MAGA movement is known for its particularly combative character, which exemplifies the extreme partisanship of contemporary American politics. In keeping with that stance, controversial rhetoric has flourished within the movement, including messages that critics see as homophobic, sexist, or racist or as inciting violence.

The MAGA movement is also known for having an antagonistic relationship with mainstream news media, which are thought by a majority in the movement to be biased against MAGA views, at best, and to be lying on behalf of the movement’s enemies, at worst. This belief has resulted in a vulnerability among MAGA members to false news stories and particularly far-fetched conspiracy theories circulated by MAGA-supporting media outlets and repeated by MAGA leaders. Examples include charges that Democratic former president Barack Obama is not a native-born U.S. citizen (“birtherism”), that Democrats’ immigration policies aim to replace white Americans with nonwhite immigrants (see replacement theory), that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump by Democrats through massive voter fraud, and that the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, in which a mob of Trump supporters attempted to halt Congress’s certification of Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election, was actually staged by left-wing forces.

A variant of the phrase “Make America Great Again” was first popularized by Republican Pres. Ronald Reagan, who used “Let’s Make America Great Again” as one of several slogans for his 1980 presidential campaign.

Trump reportedly coined the phrase “Make America Great Again” in November 2012, just after Mitt Romney, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts, lost the 2012 presidential election to Obama.

Trump filed an application to trademark the slogan for the purpose of “promoting public awareness of political issues and fundraising in the field of politics.” He announced his campaign’s slogan on the same day that he declared his candidacy for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination—June 16, 2015. This date can be seen as the beginning of the MAGA movement.

Trump’s campaign quickly attracted strong support among conservative white working-class voters. Trump’s background as a businessman recommended itself to these Americans as a sign that he understood economics, and his lack of previous government service suggested that he was unstained by the corruption that they associated with Washington, D.C. They also appreciated his populist message, in which he contended that the federal government was controlled by Democratic “elites.” (MAGA members did not consider it at all contradictory that Trump, a billionaire, was himself a member of the country’s wealthy elite; in their view, Trump’s wealth simply meant that, when it came to elites, he knew what he was talking about.) Finally, and perhaps above all, they admired Trump’s personal style, which was notoriously belligerent and confrontational. Trump’s habit of bullying his opponents with personal insults and name-calling, as well as his regular boasting, encouraged MAGA members to think of him as an ordinary person or “regular guy” rather than as a conventional politician.

Many election experts and political commentators failed to take the MAGA phenomenon seriously. Trump’s nomination as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate in 2016 was seen as a boon to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the 2016 presidential election; even Clinton herself felt comfortable enough during the race to publicly dismiss Trump’s most ardent supporters as a “basket of deplorables.” But the MAGA movement’s enthusiasm, combined with Clinton’s unpopularity among segments of independent voters in some states, resulted in Trump’s electoral victory, astonishing not only much of the country but the world.

The MAGA movement remains a powerful force in American politics. In late 2022 an estimated 4 in 10 Republicans identified themselves as “MAGA Republicans.” Shortly after the midterm elections of 2022, Trump declared his candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. In view of the strength of the MAGA movement, other candidates for the Republican nomination have been forced to adopt strategies that limit direct or serious criticisms of Trump and emphasize their acceptance of at least some of the extremist views of MAGA members.

SOURCE : https://www.britannica.com/biography/Donald-Trump

2.) MAGA And Politics

If it seems that MAGA movement supporters are committed to the Republican Party, it’s because they are. Dating back to the 2016 presidential election, they’re firmly committed to the party, regardless of the election cycle.

In Trump’s initial run for office in 2016, roughly 90 percent of MAGA supporters voted for him. Ever since then, including the 2018 midterm, MAGA supported the GOP at a 100-percent clip.

Even though Trump lost in 2020, the commitment from MAGA suggests why he had coattails, narrowing Democrats’ advantage in the House. This aforementioned commitment to the GOP among MAGA supporters is easily understood in light of the partisan distribution: approximately 90 percent of MAGA supporters are self-identifying Republicans, or lean GOP.

If, however, we didn’t press them, the “leaners” who first identified as Independent, comprise a total of 27 percent of the sample. Yet, both they, and the “pure” self-identified Independents who are MAGA movement members, overwhelmingly vote GOP.

SOURCE : https://sites.uw.edu/magastudy/maga-and-politics/

3.) MAGA Republicans and Support for Political Violence

SOURCE : https://health.ucdavis.edu/vprp/pdf/snapshot-wintemute-pv-maga-2022.pdf
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LTC Self Employed
Edited 1 y ago
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