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Responses: 2
LTC David Brown
When are they going to Bring up Sotomayor? She had groups she lectured to buy her books. She heard a case involving Penguin books in which she had a $3 million dollar deal. This BS is nothing more than an attempt to remove a conservative Black judge. Democrats don’t give a gab of spit about Biden’s senility or Pelosi’s insider trading,
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
1 y
LTC Trent Klug - I do not necessarily agree that grilling Thomas when he was nominated was motivated by racism, though perhaps it was motivated by extremism within the parties.
If all the conflicts of interest of all the justices have not been made public, then either they have been engaged in fewer, or Thomas has been engaged in an excessive amount - which is what it seems from all the press. Although, admittedly, if his are made public, then all those of everyone else need to also be made public, or it seems politically and/or racially motivated whether or not it is.
There should be a database we can access online so voters we can be educated advisors to our people in the Legislative Branch. However that still does not solve the problem of conflict of interest when there are no official standards.
What any of us knows, imho, or thinks about the instances of conflict of interest seems irrelevant to the question of why ethical standards do not apply to SCOTUS - and how we, the people, can encourage legislation that provides standards. If we have standards then addressing problems is not easily motivated by axe grinding of any type, even if that is the intent.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
1 y
SGT Mary G. Read up on Justice Breyer and his trips. All 219 of them.

The press and Congress is/was aware of all the Justices actions outside of court. The Justices file reports every year. The only reason they care about Thomas is the same reason they opposed his nomination in the early 90's. He's a black conservative judge and is hated, no, despised by the left.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
1 y
LTC Trent Klug - O.K. Lets say that is exactly the situation.
I still think the solution is to prevent, at least minimize racist, political, or any other prejudicial motives. And standards, applied equally to all could do that.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
1 y
SGT Mary G. They already are in place. Nothing changed from five years ago, or ten years ago. It's a cudgel against Thomas.

Additionally, the Constitution says nothing about Congress being able to regulate the judicial branch.
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
Blatant defiance of a moral and legal standards.
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