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Responses: 4
LTC Stephen F.
Thank you my conservative friend and brother-in-Christ MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. for posting the perspective from trustworthy Judicialwatch.org. I am glad that an unnamed 26 year old apparently tried to save Tafari Campbell. {hopefully she tried to save him and was not complicit is his death.

Background from [[bizpacreview.com/2023/08/27/more-secrecy-spurs-cover-up-accusations-surrounding-death-of-obamas-chef-1390557/]]
Conspiracy theories continue to circulate around the drowning death of the Obamas’ personal chef Tafari Campbell, due to what one media outlet is calling a “cover-up” by the Massachusetts police.
“Police in Massachusetts are continuing to cover up information about the death of Obama personal chef Tafari Campbell even after declaring the case closed this week,” DailyMail.com reports.
Of particular interest to online sleuths is the unnamed female companion that was reportedly with Campbell, a seemingly strong swimmer, when he drowned in shallow water while paddle boarding near Barack Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard summer home.
As BizPac Review reported, the Daily Mail had previously revealed that the woman, a fellow employee at the residence, allegedly attempted to save Campbell when he fell off his board and disappeared beneath the surface of the water.
She reportedly tried to get to Campbell in time but couldn’t and was forced to rush back to shore to ask for help, Massachusetts State Police told MassLive.
“Now we can reveal that she is 26 years old,” DailyMail.com reported on Saturday. “Her identity, however, is still unknown.”

Official details of Campbell’s death remain shrouded in mystery, thanks to the authorities’ closed lips.
“Releasing the summary conclusion of a report from the chief medical examiner, officials refused to reveal even basic findings, such as whether Campbell suffered a medical episode or was under the influence of drugs or alcohol,” according to DailyMail.com. “State police have also warned other law enforcement agencies to not to release information.”
An incident report was released on Wednesday by the Edgartown police now that the case has been closed, but the names of the U.S. Secret Service agent who dialed 911 and information related to the “sole witness” to the drowning — the female companion — were redacted.
On Tuesday, DailyMail.com again made a request to the Dukes County Sheriff’s Office that the 911 call be released.
“Susan Schofield, the sheriff’s supervisor of communications, has yet to provide it,” the outlet states.
On Wednesday morning, Schofield claimed, “I am waiting for a response from the trooper who is in charge of the investigation.”
“Nothing yet,” she stated on Thursday morning, promising she’d get back to the Daily Mail “as soon as I hear.”
The executor director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, Justin Silverman, said previously that the state may be in violation of the Public Records Law.
“The burden is on law enforcement to show how their investigation may be jeopardized by releasing certain information,” he said."
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
1 y
Yes, the burden is certainly on them . . .
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LTC Trent Klug
Yep. No you have to start asking why the secrecy. There'd be none if he was just a plain old restaurant chef.
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
obama has always been a shady character. People just never looked beyond his skin color. He is a smooth-talking shyster that thinks and lives off of others, just like other socialist leaders.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
1 y
Exactly so!
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