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The Biden Administration ruins everything it touches!

Maj Robert Thornton CMSgt Marcus Falleaf PO2 (Join to see)
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CMSgt Marcus Falleaf
All a part of the Dem plan to bring down America.
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LTC Self Employed
I just posted this to show how President Biden puts pressure on the Navy to cut back its Fleet while China is growing theirs and we're willing to give money away for lost causes.

The US Navy is cutting back the fleet size while we are giving money away to Ukraine and throwing away $369 billion dollars in the Inflation Reduction Act (which President Biden had admitted all along wasn't truthful) to help other countries have UNRELIABLE clean energy.

The fake and fraudulent Inflation Reduction Act was basically a mini-Green New Deal disguised as something that didn't lower inflation.

The US Navy is continuing to decommission about two dozen ships in the next year and a half while the Chinese Navy keeps growing.

China has built three Miniature Aircraft Carriers and is currently constructing a fourth which, I believe, is going to be used as a screen to keep American forces away during the future invasion of Taiwan by communist China.

I am certain a future Republican Administration would put money into keeping this and another two dozen ships maintained instead of putting them in the Reserve Fleet.

Recruiting is part of the problem but the administration is dumb to have a drag queen petty officer be used as part of the Madison Avenue approach to alienate the rank- and- file sailor recruit who is straight and doesn't want to associate joining the Navy with a Drag Queen.

Thankfully, the last Defense Authorization Act has an amendment by Republican from Indiana to get rid of the Navy Drag Queen advertising.
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD Maj Robert Thornton CMSgt Marcus Falleaf PO2 (Join to see)
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