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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Breaks my heart
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Article Quote: “Mass shootings have been rising in recent years, as have other kinds of gun violence, making firearms a major public health issue.”
While all death is tragic violence is not a public health issue. Violence is violence, attempting to put an adjective in front of it puts the conversation out of context in my opinion.
I have an opinion like all others about violence, but I don’t have the data needed to validate my opinion, only the government does. When they (bureaucrats and politicians) decide to stop playing politics and give an honest evaluation I’ll read it with interest. An article like this that just points to guns just isn’t fair in my opinion.
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
1 y
This is tragic but like you SFC (Join to see) it sounds much like orchestrated propaganda to help push a democratic agenda. NPR receives almost 10% of its budget from federal, state, and local governments. At NPR, the most compensated executive makes $503,500, annually so why is it necessary to subsidize NPR? I'll leave everyone to answer that question for themselves. Organizations have offered real solutions but it doesn't fit the narrative of negating the 2nd amendment so they are ignored. Meanwhile, the border remains open for any and all that want to cross without vetting or a check for transmissible diseases - Sad!
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 y
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD They (Progressive Democrats) try to control the narrative by using adjectives to insinuate propaganda is fact, when indeed it is not. They wouldn’t know how to put together an honest evaluation of study. I used to review evaluations and studies for a living so they cannot fool me.
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
1 y
"Mass Shootings" have been on the rise since the term was invented by the left to sweep gang violence into something that is better suited to shock the suburban soccer moms that form the rank & file of the anti-gun movement.

Yes, honestly some things have changed in the last couple of years. One of those things is that gang members are more willing to shoot other gang members at public events rather than in private. They are no longer concerned about anonymity because they know that a certain demographic won't talk to the police and the police have never been serious about solving gang-on-gang violence.

It used to be that the greatest risk to an innocent bystander was either being mistaken for a gang member or being accidentally shot in a drive-by targeting a gang member, now we have to add the possibility of being caught in the crossfire when attending public gatherings in gang infested neighborhoods. The odds are still minuscule unless you live in a gang-infested area or hang out with gang members.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 y
MSG Thomas Currie - I like that you identified that the term "Mass Shootings" was invented by the left. There goes the unnecessary use of adjectives again, they should just say shootings. The common definition of “mass shooting” is four or more people shot, including injuries; and they try to get people to accept this. To me there is nothing “MASSIVE” about that. I would think mass shooting would involve maybe 100 people… that would really be a massive number, not only 4.
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SPC James Neidig
If You Use The Liberal Definition Of Mass Shootings , They Happen Every Day In Most Large Democrat Run Cities , Which By The Way Usually Have The Strictest Gun Control Laws.
We Don’t Need Gun Control ! We Need Criminal Control !
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