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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Give them a place to lie down and die and stop "saving" them. Just haul off the bodies
MSG Billy Brumfield
MSG Billy Brumfield
1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Other peoples money!
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 y
MSG Billy Brumfield - Yes, that's typically what Democrats do, they never offer their own money, only take others.
MSG Billy Brumfield
MSG Billy Brumfield
1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Well, we are only about $33 trillion in debt so it's no big deal, just right a few more checks. How in debt is California at this point? It's all going to come to a head in our lifetime I believe.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 y
MSG Billy Brumfield - Maybe in our lifetime, definitely in our grandchildren's. Pray for them to have the experience and wisdom to clearly see what they are voting for.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
I see some real "Christian" ideas here,,,, NOT!
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SSgt Christophe Murphy
I'm torn because the issue isn't simple. It's complex. I see solutions but having helped the Socal Homeless Vet issue first hand I witnessed some things that create massive obstacles.

Pro: Some folks just need services to get a foot up so they can move on to better surrounds.
Con: Some people don't want a conventional life and prefer a nomadic lifestyle. they'll use resources but they'll never conform. Some are limited either by mental or chemical means and they just don't fit into this service model.

Pro: The idea of creating programs is great
Con: It creates a business model and income revenue that incentivizes those managing the respective program not to fully resolve the issue. Look at LA. It's a Billion Dollar business to manage homelessness.

Pro: Creating a space for them to exist with services works in theory
Con: They potentially end up trashing the place and it just transfers the ongoing cycle
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
1 y
Now the population needs to consider everything you said so well and decide what will work. I've had homeless family members and I can tell you it is a very fine line between helping them and enabling them. You don't want to enable them.
SSgt Christophe Murphy
SSgt Christophe Murphy
1 y
SFC (Join to see) - I agree. Empowering a person is one thing. Giving them resources so they can just exist in this bubble doesn't help anyone.
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