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Responses: 2
Maj Kim Patterson
Edited >1 y ago
MAJ Montgomery Granger perhaps a politicians should enjoy mandatory 4 year deployment to help aid their decision making,
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SFC Casey O'Mally
They want to "close the revolving door." What revolving door? I this context, a revolving door is moving back and forth between government work an the private sector, usually in the same sector. How many folks are retiring, going to work for a foreign government, and then going BACK into the military? What they are talking about is moving seamlessly from the military into a civilian job. That's not a revolving door, it is GOOD RETIREMENT PLANNING. And it is what is ENCOURAGED when you go through the retirement process.

F'ing clueless IDIOTS.

Here's another gem, from Sen Warren:

"The Department of Defense is letting too many retired military officers trade their military service and experience... "

Letting? LETTING!?!?!

That's a HUGE part of the gosh darned RECRUITING PITCH! Letting. SMDH.
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