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Responses: 4
SPC Lyle Montgomery
Its odd how the crybaby dems bitch about the republicans in the August 8 elections in Ohio when they do all kinds of criminal acts to make things go their way.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
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PFC Lisa McDonald
I think allowing citizens initiatives is important but carries some risk of catering to a tyranny of a majority. I live in Arizona and while we were still a majority Red state it is Republicans that voted to make putting initiatives on the ballot harder.
I don't believe it should be beyond a moderate level of difficulty at most for the average citizen to be able to figure out how to and get the ball rolling to get a voter initiative put on the ballot. As for that concern about one catering to a tyranny of the majority let that be played out in the courts and court of public opinion.
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SSG Roger Ayscue
I think that all...ALL... Special Interest groups and lobbyists should be banned from within 100 miles of all elected officials, campaigns should receive free air time, equally on the public airwaves, and that money should be removed totally from the election process.
I think that politicians should have to explain every gift, every perk and every penny that they make in excess of their salary, and the slightest glitch or hickup is a call for a recall election. There is no room for the Bill Clinton Mantra of Mistakes Were Made.

I think that terms limits should be put in place and adhered to. I think that Voter ID should be a federal law and that only authorized citizens should vote.
I think the President should have a LINE ITEM VETO so that you can not shove unrelated items in proposed legislation.

I think that if you are not a HONORABLY discharged or retired military veteran you should not ba able to be elected to any position where you can send someone else into harm's way. The last US President that deserved that authority was Geroge W. Bush, and then only barely, as he went into the Texas Guard instead of going to Vietnam. Clinton, Trump and Obama all thought that they were too good to serve in the military.
I think that the Secretaries of the Services should have served in THAT service and not just be shameless party cronies and hacks.....
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
Though you have some good ideas, all of your ideas would take Constitutional Amendments.
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