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Responses: 4
LTC Eugene Chu
Gas does not stay in kitchen. It can spread throughout a home.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - there are vent systems over stoves to remove fumes.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Don't stand in front of the flame and breathe in the fumes...
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MSG Thomas Currie
The article has no quantified data (apparently the full study does, and I will admit not pursuing it that far).

Certainly we are discovering various "pollutants" associated with products we previously considered safe, but in many cases this is because we are looking at "detectable" levels of the pollutants, simply because technology lets us detect minute quantities.

Another problem with studies like this is that just about EVERYTHING "has been shown to cause cancer" in mice if the mice are exposed to outrageous levels.

This study seems to claim that natural gas burns just far enough to produce "detectable" levels of benzene but somehow does not burn enough to burn the benzene despite the fact that benzene itself is flammable.

It is going to take something better than EITHER studies that are deliberately conducted to target specific products OR the counter-claims of the industries being attacked before most sensible people are going to jump firmly one way or the other. Unfortunately we live in an age where we have access to great technology to conduct detailed studies, but no trustworthy source to serve as a honest broker to evaluate conflicting claims. No one should be surprised to discover that you can tell the results of nearly all "scientific studies" just by determining who funded the study. This isn't even considered improper within the academic and scientific communities today. Every study starts with a hypothesis then conducts research to support that hypothesis. This is just like the military conducting a study to determine if the Commanding General's idea is the best way to do something. It's no surprise that the study determines that the CG was right.
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