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Responses: 8
MSgt Dale Johnson
I know I am just being frumpy on this subject, but I was not born with a smart phone attached to my body in some manner. I really dislike that many places are trying to force their use on everyone. At home I often have to use my landline to call my own cellphone to find it.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
1 y
Agreed, And I know a number of people who don't have smart phones. Some don't even have cell phones.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
1 y
Totally agree. Last time time I had the car at the dealer it was going to take overnight so they were going to give me a loaner. I say going because I'd forgotten my smart phone and had to show proof of insurance via an app rather than the paper copy I'd been using with them for years. They ended up arranging a rental, and oh, the rental company used the paper copy.
COL John McClellan
COL John McClellan
1 y
I tend to agree as well. The VA services veterans and their families from what - at least 4 generations? Maybe 5?? I'm fine with introducing a phone App as an option, in an environment where other more tradition options also remain available. It's 2023 and you are going to have to use a computer at this point, but - the kiosks (which I have never personally seen or used myself) sound like they were a good, accessible option for some veterans who needed assistance with data entry.
Sgt Jim Belanus
Sgt Jim Belanus
1 y
I'm with you,
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SSgt Jim Gilmore
And beginning today, I believe, claims for reimbursement must be filed within 30 days or you won't get paid.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
1 y
Yet another way to cheat veterans!
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
1 y
I hadn't put two and two together and am so glad I read your comment SSgt Jim Gilmore. I had a travel claim up to the Hospital (took an Uber up and back) that I hadn't submitted yet and today was day 28.

Lt Col Charlie Brown - Can't say I blame that one (the 30 days) on the VA. Blame our law makers because it's written into the Federal Code (https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/38/70.20)
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Well, that's not entirely surprising.
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