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Responses: 6
LTC David Brown
Ramaswamy is a very smart guy. The link is about Trump’s handling of classified material not Ramaswamy’s view from of Russian Ukraine conflict. I think Ramaswamy makes good points on the weakness of Smith’s case.
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LTC Eugene Chu
Since you mention Ramaswamy, people should be aware of his interest in appeasing Russia. His plan is similar to UK's Chamberlain policy that allowed Hitler to keep European territory that Nazi Germany seized before WW2.

LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
SFC John D. They withdrew letter later and solidified their support for Ukraine. Ranaswamy as a candidate is proposing to let Putin have a partial victory.

PO3 Shayne Seibert
PO3 Shayne Seibert
>1 y
He's a candidate that has not chance of winning, but he's using his candidacy as a launchpad for a narrative that is somewhat different than the mainstream politicos. 1st Amendment allows him to speak, and the left is all about trying to silence him because he is shining a light on their hypocrisy in general. Yes he says some goofy stuff, but he's not a politician, and never will be, but he's put himself out there beyond the keyboard.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
Shocked. Completely shocked.

Not by Ramaswamy's take on Russia/Ukraine, but that since you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to say about the information presented because there is NOTHING to be said, you chose to attack the speaker.

And yes, that was sarcasm, in case you couldn't tell.

Now.... want to address Ramaswamy's comments posted here?
LTC Self Employed
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>1 y
PO3 Shayne Seibert I know the Democrats want to put a political hit job Elon Musk because he's totally screwed up their narrative after we have been told how Democrats and those in the Deep State have been sabotaging and lying to us for many years. We know president Trump isn't perfect and he may in fact go to jail but he should have jailed buddies like President Obama and biden, sun hunter, Susan rice, the corrupt Secretary of State who got the CIA agents to sign off on something they weren't so sure about but it was a guarantee win for brokeback President Biden in the debates and now we find out it's a total lie. We also should add Jacob Sullivan, Hillary clinton, and a bunch of others who could spire to sabotage Trump before with Crossfire hurricane, Steele dossier, and other Nixon era dirty tricks that Democrats think are okay and they're just focusing on President Trump even though Hillary Clinton should be in jail along with President Biden and maybe even vice president Pence but we have seen how Democrats play favorites. Animal Farm is Alive and Well in Washington DC and this Republican candidate calls them out on it and they're pissed off.
LTC Eugene Chu Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SFC John Davis SFC Casey O'Mally SFC Casey O'Mally COL John McClellan LTC David Brown CMSgt Marcus Falleaf PO3 Shayne Seibert
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LTC Trent Klug
I heard Ramaswamy in an interview a couple of weeks ago. I thought he had some decent views. Then I read his comments about appeasing Russia.

Now I don't care about Russia's attack in Ukraine. Not our ally, not our fight But I don't to, or like. the idea of giving Russia one more inch of land there. We let them take Crimea back without a whimper from Barry or Joe back in 2014. If anything, the Russians should leave Ukraine entirely.
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